Dear MARMAM community:

My co-authors and I are happy to announce the online publication of the
following paper:

Llamas-González, M., C.D. Ortega-Ortiz, L.M. Enríquez-Paredes, U.A.
González-Peral, E. Bautista Guerrero, K.K. Martien. 2023. Genetic data
reveals wintering ground affiliation of humpback whales from the Mexican
Central Pacific. Marine Mammal Science. DOI: 10.1111/mms.13053

*Abstract*: Two groups of humpback whales inhabit the waters off the
Pacific coast of Mexico - the coastal wintering aggregation in the north
(MX), and the southern Mexico/Central America wintering aggregation
(S-MX/CEA) in the south. However, along the coast of the Mexican Central
Pacific (MCP), the population affiliation of humpback whales is uncertain.
Some studies have concluded that the MCP whales are part of S-MX/CEA, while
others have suggested that the MCP may represent an overlap zone between
the two wintering aggregations. In this study, data from 354 biopsy samples
were collected over a 12-year sampling period, to provide genetic insight
into the affiliation of MCP whales and to the boundaries between the
wintering aggregations. Using mitochondrial control region sequences, we
find that the majority (73%) of MCP whales are part of MX, but that the
boundary between the two wintering aggregations may shift latitudinally
depending on environmental conditions. The high haplotypic (h ±
SD=0.859±0.0138) and nucleotide diversity (π ± SD=0.0145 ±0.0075) of the
MCP whales are also consistent with our sample including animals from both
wintering aggregations. More research is needed to better describe the
ranges of the MX and S-MX/CEA wintering aggregations to ensure their
successful conservation and management.

If you have trouble accessing the PDF (available at, please contact Myriam Llamas-González (, Christian Orega-Ortiz (,
or Karen Martien (

Karen K. Martien, Ph.D. (she/her <>)
Southwest Fisheries Science Center
8901 La Jolla Shores Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92037, USA

*I sometimes work irregular hours, but I respect your work schedule and do
not expect an action or reply outside of your working hours.*
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