Dear MARMAM community - I'm writing to alert you to a comment opportunity on an 
important conservation matter.

Recently, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) proposed designating 
critical habitat for Rice's whale in the Gulf of Mexico, under the U.S. 
Endangered Species Act. Rice's whale, as many are aware, is one of the most 
endangered baleen whales on the planet, with a population estimated at fewer 
than 100 individuals. Aside from the natural vulnerability that comes with 
small population size, the species faces a number of serious anthropogenic 
threats, including ship strikes, oil spills, and chronic ocean noise from 
seismic surveys and shipping.

NMFS's proposed designation for the whale comprises shelf-break waters from 
Florida to Texas, between the 100 and 400m isobaths. This area was defined 
based on multiple lines of evidence: sightings from large-vessel surveys, 
acoustic monitoring from sites along the northern Gulf, studies of the whale's 
prey and prey distribution, and analyses of habitat suitability.

Designating critical habitat is essential to species conservation under the 
Endangered Species Act, and it will be essential to recovery of this endangered 
whale. If you're interested in the species, I strongly encourage you to submit 
comments to NMFS. To do so, please go to this submission 
( and click the 
comment icon. The proposed critical habitat designation is 


Michael jasny
Director, Marine Mammal Protection

4479 W. 5th Avenue
Vancouver, bc v6r1s4
T 604.736.9386
c 310.560.5536<>

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