Applications are invited for a PhD fellowship/scholarship at Graduate School of 
Natural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark, within the Biology programme. The 
position is available from August 2024 or later.

A sound marine environment

Research area and project description:
What do human activities at sea do to marine soundscapes and how are marine 
mammals affected by such anthropogenic noise? To answer these questions, we are 
inviting strong candidates for two Ph.D. projects funded by Aage V. Jensen's 
Naturfond: 'A sound marine environment' to start in the autumn of 2024. The two 
PhD candidates are expected to work closely together on a common project that 
will measure and model the underwater soundscape in the Bay of Aarhus, Denmark, 
and quantify the effects of vessel noise on the distribution and behaviour of 
harbour porpoises. The candidates will use passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) of 
ship noise and harbour porpoises at a number of stations placed in Aarhus Bay 
in concert with soundscape modelling of ship noise. These studies will be 
complemented with investigations of how individual porpoises react to ships and 
boats using sound and movement recording tags. The work will be divided with 
one Ph.D. project focusing on large ships and one with focus on small 
recreational vessels. Dissemination of the research findings involves 
peer-reviewed publications firs-authored by the candidates and a strong 
outreach component, involving stakeholder engagement, information to the public 
and citizen science. The project has the ambition to deliver strong results 
that can support a science-based management of marine habitats in Bay of Aarhus 
and beyond.

General information about the project can be found at the project website<>

The PhD project on large vessels will be supervised by Professor Jakob Tougaard 
at the Department of Ecoscience and the PhD project on smaller vessels will be 
supervised by Professor Peter T. Madsen at the Department of Biology. The two 
research groups are physically co-located and completely integrated in the 
daily life, ensuring a close collaboration between the two PhD projects. For 
technical reasons, applicants are asked to apply to this call at both graduate 
schools (GSTS and GSNS). If you have a preference for one of the two PhD 
projects (larger vessels or recreational boats) you can indicate this in the 
application and elaborate on why in your cover letter.

For technical reasons, you must upload a project description. When - as here - 
you apply for a specific project, please simply copy the project description 
above, and upload it as a PDF in the application. If you wish to, you can 
indicate an URL where further information can be found.

Qualifications and specific competences:
Applicants must have a relevant Master's degree (120 ECTS) in Bioacoustics, 
Engineering, Physics or similar fields and a strong interest in acoustics and 
the effects of sound on marine organisms. It is an advantage to have documented 
experience with quantitative data analysis on large data sets with Matlab, R, 
Python or similar software.

Good collaborative skills are required and you are expected to contribute fully 
to the large, diverse and highly active bioacoustics research group that you 
will become part of.

We also expect you to be able to communicate eloquently in both written and 
oral English.

Place of employment and place of work:
The place of employment is Aarhus University, and the place of work is 
Department of Biology, Zoophysiology, Build. 1131, CF Møllers Alle 3, 8000 
Aarhus C, Denmark.

Applicants seeking further information for this project are invited to contact: 
Professor Peter Teglberg Madsen,<> or Professor Jakob 

How to apply:

For information about application requirements and mandatory attachments, 
please see the Application 
guide<>. Please read the 
Application guide thoroughly before applying.

When ready to apply, go to 
(Note, the online application system opens 1 March 2024)

  1.  Choose May 2024 Call with deadline 1 May 2024 at 23:59 CEST.
  2.  You will be directed to the call and must choose the programme "Biology".
  3.  In the boxed named "Study": In the dropdown menu, please choose: "A sound 
marine environment (somaen)"

Please note:

  *   The programme committee may request further information or invite the 
applicant to attend an interview.

At the Faculty of Natural Science at Aarhus University, we strive to support 
our scientific staff in their career development. We focus on competency 
development and career clarification and want to make your opportunities 
transparent. On our website<>, you 
can find information on all types of scientific positions, as well as the entry 
criteria we use when assessing candidates. You can also read more about how we 
can assist you in your career planning and development.

Aarhus University's ambition is to be an attractive and inspiring workplace for 
all and to foster a culture in which each individual has opportunities to 
thrive, achieve and develop. We view equality and diversity as assets, and we 
welcome all applicants. All interested candidates are encouraged to apply, 
regardless of their personal background.

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