Certified ACCOBAMS for Marine Mammals Observers (MMO) and Passive Acoustic
Monitoring Systems (PAM) Operators, with additional PAM training for those
interested in baseline survey data analysis

DMAD -Marine Mammals Research Association under the agreement signed with
ACCOBAMS (Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea,
Mediterranean Sea, and contiguous Atlantic area) will be running a MMO/PAM
training course to qualify individuals as Marine Mammal Observers and
operators of Passive Acoustic Monitoring systems with ACCOBAMS
When: 06 - 12 July 2024/ Where: Anadolufeneri, Istanbul, Turkey/ Price*:
1100 Euro  The Qualification:

The ACCOBAMS qualification enables  people to work as Marine Mammals
Observers (MMOs) and Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) operators across
the Mediterranean and Black Sea in 24 countries, where it is the agreed
course requirement for such work. Following completion of the course,
participants are equipped  to mitigate noise impacts on cetaceans, by
applying the knowledge, expertise and skills acquired during the training
course, and to use the standard procedures, forms and manuals, in
accordance with the ACCOBAMS principles. A second Advanced PAM
certification course will then explore further animal identification
techniques and mitigation, utilising the recently published (Feb, 2024)
Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) PAM guidance offshore
operations. Additionally, participants will explore the use of Ravenpro and
PAMguardviewer in analysis of recordings for research and baseline studies.
Speakers and Presenters:

Chartered Marine Scientist and MMO/PAM operator Patrick Lyne, DMAD founder
and director Dr. Aylin Akkaya


   Graduated/current student in biology or ecology or have experience that
   demonstrates a commitment to the environment and its conservation.

   Minimum 30 days working with marine mammals  (with references/records )

   Basic knowledge to recognize the different species and understand the
   behaviour of animals at sea

   Basic knowledge of marine acoustics.

   Ability to communicate in English

   Laptop with recent version of  PAMguard installed

Topics Covered in the ACCOBAMS Training Course:


   Introduction to underwater acoustics

   Introduction to marine mammals of the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

   Introduction to human activities generating underwater noise and impacts
   on marine mammals

   Introduction to existing regulations, mitigation procedures and ACCOBAMS

   Discussion of different distance estimation techniques.

   Introduction to the role of MMO/PAM

   Introduction to the “life style” onboard

Advanced course units


   Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to map acoustic
   detections and visual sightings.

   Using PAM for mitigation and research

   Exercises in use of PAMguard with animal identification, using filters
   and automatic identifiers.

   Introduction to hardware used for PAM

   Hands on training with PAMGUARD

   Ravenpro and PAMguardviewer with exercises.

   Tips and troubleshooting.

It is expected that there will be 1.5 days spent on a boat and 4.5 days of
classroom sessions.  The exact timing will be  dependent on weather
conditions, though this should not be an issue.

If a JNCC certification is required please specify and this can be arranged
in addition.
For more information or to apply e-mail: i...@dmad.org.tr

*Price covers the training and certificates

*Accommodation and transportation costs at the location will be the
responsibility of the participant but recommendations will be given.

*There will be one and a half days of boat-based training where there is a
good chance of seeing the unique sub-species in the Black Sea (harbour
porpoise, bottlenose dolphin and common dolphin. This will allow further
practice of skills learned during the course.

*A discount of €50 will apply to anyone who can show evidence of being a
member of any non-profit NGO engaged in marine conservation or the MMOA
(Marine Mammal Observer Association).

*The course is subject to a minimum of 6 people and a maximum of 14.
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