> Not necessarily relevant but marpa_v_step() can return a negative
> number on failure, and I think this is not handled.  In particular
> there are a number of cases of unexpected returns from
> marpa_v_step() which you handle via fall-through which probably are
> better treated as fatal errors.

> Same with marpa_v_new() -- it can return NULL on failure and this is
> not checked for.  I have no real evidence that this has anything to
> do with your problem, but this is C language so subtle stuff could
> be happening with memory overwrites, etc.


> And the checks *do* belong in your final code, so you might as well
> have them in for debugging.

Agreed as well.

Will definitely put in code to handle failures ... Oh, the bocage
wrapper needs them as well. If I remember correctly it does not handle
these things either.

Are the negative numbers from marpa_v_step() regular marpa error
codes, or are they their own set ?

Memory. Right. While I am mostly confident that I managed to avoid
issues, due to the lot of assertions I put in all over the place it
will definitely not hurt (except speed (*) of the system) to activate
the memory debugging Tcl's memory utility functions provide, and
should trip anything bad I may have in the code.

Thank you for the reminder of that.

(*) Especially if I have it check the entire set of allocations on
    each and every malloc, realloc, or free, instead of just the
    specific memory allocated or freed by the current call.

> > On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 6:55 PM, Andreas Kupries <akupr...@shaw.ca> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> > Looked some more at `rule` and `rslot` and I not 100% sure it's wrong,
> >> but
> >> > I can't convince myself it's right.

See you,
        Andreas Kupries <akupr...@shaw.ca>
        Developer @     SUSE (MicroFocus Canada LLC)

Tcl'2017, Oct 16-20, Houston, TX, USA. http://www.tcl.tk/community/tcl2017/
EuroTcl 2017, Jul 8-9, Berlin/DE, http://www.eurotcl.tcl3d.org/

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