The entire 49 page internal squabble between the
American and English Cliffite organizations is now easily downloaded in a
zipfile at the homepage of Cockroach!
Just click on the link;
"The entire ISO/SWP squabble! " and download it and
read the entire sordid history in your browser...
Warm Regards
Bob Malecki ------------------------------------------------------- Check Out My HomePage where you can, Read or
the book! Ha Ha Ha McNamara,Vietnam-My Bellybutton is my
and "Radiotime"-the Book! Now the Official International Communist League
Or Get The Latest Issue of COCKROACH,
a zine for poor and working-class people. ------------------------------------------------------- |
- No Subject Bob Malecki
- No Subject Jim heartfield
- No Subject George Pennefather
- No Subject George Pennefather
- No Subject George Pennefather
- No Subject Bob Malecki
- No Subject Jim heartfield
- M-TH: List problems David Welch
- Re: M-TH: List problems J.WALKER
- Re: M-TH: List problems David Welch
- No Subject Bob Malecki
- No Subject Bob Malecki
- No Subject Bob Malecki