G'day Thaxists, So the ill-disguised mutual distrust between the continental Euros and the US has taken another significant turn ... Echelon has been doing just what you'd expect of a cold-war system in a post-cold-war setting: industrial spying. And now the US is going the route usually taken by those caught red-handed: 'He started it!' Globalism looks ever less the smooth transition to functional global integration, eh? And, sadly, ever more like a huge shit-fight in the making (which, I suppose, is sorta what Lenin was getting at). And, as it complicates the theory of globalisation, it rather simplifies the theory of the state, the autonomy (or impotence) of which seems ever less convincing ... And Britain must seem very much the Trojan Horse within the Euro walls, no? So what's the prediction, Thaxists? Is the ultimate wedge going to rest between Washington and London? Or will it be the old one; straight down the English Channel? Cheers, Rob. --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---