Hi all,
So NATO, a military alliance with no status whatsoever other than the
arsenal it wields, has invaded Yugoslavia.
This it does without even seeking the cosmetic approval of the United
This it does as yet another insult to Russia, whom the triumphalist West
has been insulting and impoverishing remorselessly for a decade (just as we
once insulted and impoverished the German people in the twenties and
This it does without articulating either realistic goals or a realistic
exit strategy.
This it does against a leadership which has for years worked at draping its
own atrocities in nationalist colours. Milosovic is nothing if not the
spirit incarnate of 1389, the hero of Kosovo, homeland of Serbians
everywhere. He can simply not back down on Kosovo. Yet the west, itself
in a corner a decade in the making, seeks to budge him nevertheless.
The West now praises the ethnically-binding constitutional arrangements it
spent decades seeking to undo. The West tore it all apart, created Bosnia,
appeased Milosovic, and then Tudjman, gutlessly and shamelessly all through
the first half of the nineties (again, shades of '38). Hundreds of
thousands of Bosnians were butchered in their own country, a country the
West was happy to grant formal status, but one it was never prepared to
afford strategic viability. When the Bosnians sought assistance in
defending themselves and their new state, the West declined. When the West
announced safe havens, it stood by when those who had believed them were
taken away and shot.
Why now, when but tens of thousands are suffering under Milosovic's heel,
and within Milosovic's own state at that, is there cause for killing on
this scale? Surely it can not be on the grounds of atrocities committed
against separatists? We can't have British soldiers shooting at Irish
separatists one minute and then defending Yugoslav seperatists the next can
we? Turkey is part of NATO. They shoot separatists in great numbers over
there. How would they explain themselves to themselves?
And Russia, an erstwhile proud giant, brought to its knees by naive,
triumphalist, opportunistic, and downright stupid Western policy, is forced
to watch chaos and carnage on its very doorstep. Russia's people are
economically desperate and thoroughly demoralised. But Russia could be
mighty again (even if for but a week - we're entering the realm of the
mushroom here). How tempting it must be for so many Russians to flex their
still-powerful arms in response to all these years of provocation. How
hard for the politically fragile Primakov and the ridiculed Yeltsin to
resist the chance for the populist brownie points that attend a 'just war',
in solidarity with Russia's Slavic brethren?
A spark in Serbia puts Russia and Germany on opposite sides within an
unstable and unpredictable dynamic in which contested imperial sway,
economic chaos, opportunistically constructed nationalisms and complex
alliances all play their part. What a good idea for a war!
But then it's been done, hasn't it.
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