This evening German Chancellor and acting President of the EU Council
Gerhard Schroeder (Social Democratic Party of Germany) repudiated the Prime
Minister of Russia, Primakov, and his political initiative of mediation
between Yugoslavia and the NATO states. Hence the NATO war of aggression
against Yugoslavia has gone a step further on its move to expand to WWIII.

Now the German Socialdemocratic-Green Government definitely backs the US
military strategy and the violation of international law, as does the
British Labour Government, which did it already in the last war against
Iraq - a clear violation of international law, too. Bombing the sovereign
state of Yugoslavia will not end the civil war in this state, but increases
the clashes as the development of the last couple of days has shown. This
fact will not be altered by the propagandist constant barrage of both the
media and the military and governmental spokespersons in the NATO
metropoles that the bombing is necessary to avoid an ongoing genocide or to
dimininish the humanitarian tragedy of refugees.

In Germany, the Green Party and the left wing of the SPD (apart from a few
individual members) are now backing the mainstream political conception
which is politically dangerous and does not really care about human beings.
At the moment there is no organized political opposition to this war of
aggression which could influence the political mainstream in Germany. I
don't see any opposition of relevance nor in Britain neither in the USA.
And it is most doubtful whether the Communists and the left wings of the
(former) Socialists in France and Italy who are part of the governmental
majorities in these countries could influence their Governments into the
direction to stop the intensification of this NATO war of aggression and to
return to political negotiations. Where are the political forces which
could give the impulse to avoid an expansion of the war? ----

If you are interested in a statement of one the voices of the German
socialist left you will find a comment on the war of agression (the
strategy of NATO in Kosovo and on the politics of the Red-Green coalition
Government) - written by the managing editors of Sozialismus and published
in its April issue.

The comment is online at
on its website . 

Another article published in the April issue that is available online has
an extended critical analysis of fifty years of NATO politics.

Hinrich Kuhls

     --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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