To all whom have recieved any mail from me in the last two days. My computer was hit by the happy 99 virus. The letter which contained the virus came from someone who claims that the French section of the ICL (Spartacists) had a social patriotic position on the events in Yugoslavia.
This letter along with the virus was sent to me and one of the addresses in New York used by the ICL. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
So if you recieved any mail from me in the last two days I suggest that you run a check on your computer.
There is a fix for the virus online and quite easy to get rid of the virus.
Naturally I condemn the political opponents who turned to sabotage and viruses rather then debate. Mark well that this type of activity should and will be fought on a principled basis and not by Internet cops. When we find out who the joker,jokers are we will deal with them like any scab crossing a picket line.
Warm regards
Bob Malecki

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