Welcome to the list, Ed!

How about a f'rinstance or two from *Imprints*?  Y'know, a web site with a
couple of salient articles from back-copies (or, dare I ask, forwarded to
this list)?

For my part, I'm quite interested in analytical Socialism, and especially
so in the sort of line it seems Jennifer Hornsby pushed in #2 on the
problems of free speech.

If no joy, what's the damage for getting said back copy to the antipodes?

All the best with *Imprints*, anyway.

Rob (ex-Bellevue High - just oop't road from you lot)

>The new issue is now out!
>Land, Genes and Justice: An Interview with George Monbiot
>Bill Jordan: New Labour, New Community?
>Plus, writing on:
>** Equality
>** Globalisation
>** The Holocaust
>** Evolutionary Socialism
>"IMPRINTS is invaluable, because it, uniquely, provides scope for work
>that combines analytical rigour with socialist conviction."
>(Professor G.A. Cohen, All Souls, Oxford.)
>Back issues feature in-depth interviews with
>* Erik Olin Wright,
>* John Roemer,
>* Jean Hampton,
>* G.A. Cohen,
>* Philippe Van Parijs.
>And articles by the best writers in the fieldÖ
>Just £6 per copy. (£15 for 3 issues, individuals).
>(Cheques in Pound Sterling or US dollars.)
>To order your copy, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Or fax: Alan Carling: +44(0)1274 720494
>Or write to: Imprints, 58 Wilmer Drive, Bradford, BD9 4AS, UK.
>Web: http://info.bris.ac.uk/~plcdib/imprints.html
>Ed Reiss

     --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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