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>>> Chris Burford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/04/99 05:45PM >>>Dialectical Materialism 
>and Modern Science by Kenneth Cameron
(International Publishers New York 1995) is an interesting modern attempt
to uphold dialectical materialism in a non dogmatic way.

The more formal statement from Maurice Cornforth, 1951, based on lectures
given to the London District of the Communist Party states:

"Dialectical materialism, the world outlook of the Marxist-Leninist Party,
is a truly scientific world outlook, for it is based on considering things
as they are, without arbitrary, preconceived assumptions (idealist
fantasies); it insists that our conception of things must be based on
actual investigation and experience, and must be constantly tested and
re-tested in the light of practice and further experience.

Indeed 'dialectical materialism' means: understanding things just as they
are ('materialism'), in their actual interconnection and movement


Charles: There is Politizer's _Elementary Principles of Philosophy_ too.

Charles Brown

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