At 14:02 16/09/99 +1000, Rob wrote:

>And, anyway, if East Timor is still a viable entity, it was NEVER going to
>be meaningfully independent.  Neoliberal hegemony was ALWAYS its fate for
>the foreseeable future.  

Agreed. Ironically autonomy rather than independence is the only outcome
that is relatively stable, since East Timor cannot be economically

Now that imperialism has got agreement on intervention by a peace keeping
force, I think what tiny fragments of influence the left has, should be to
draw attention to the fact that just waving the IMF stick is likely to play
into the hands of local fascists. 

There needs to be at least some efforts to discuss a development plan that
is not a clean sweep for neo-liberalism - that makes a material difference
to the lives of working people and the smaller bourgeoisie in the whole of
the Indonesian archipelago. Without this these class forces must back a
nationalist solution that is undemocratic and fascist. From your
description Wiranto might represent that option.

I am away for a few days, but I am glad to see thaxis arguing about these
really important and difficult questions. Do not let that inhibit anyone
from tearing my post apart. I will pick up the pieces with interest later.



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