On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 02:41:31 PDT Macdonald Stainsby said:
>Recently I was shuffling through some material on the Russian Revolution
>(surprise, surprise) and realised I've never met a vetaran of the great
>October. Can anyone refer an individual I can contact? Or, better yet, set
>them up on this list?

A bit unlikely. I had an aunt who had participated in the Lodz textile
strike that was part of the 1905 revolution. Also, the mother of an old
friend had been a Bolshevik as a young teenager in 1917. But they're both
long dead. To be, say, 15 years old in 1917 would mean you're 97 now.
I would hope there are survivors healthy enough to correspond, but the
odds are low.

Walter Daum

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