Yes, the DSP is calling for a yes vote and also encouraging people write
on the ballot paper - by direct election.  The ISO is calling for a no
vote for the "bosses republic", which begs the question do they support a
bosses' constitutional monarchy.  They have seemed to miss the point that
the Queen is a fuedal anchronism.  

A republic (even a flawed one being promoted by the Australian republican
movement) is the "best shell" (re: Lenin and State and Revolution) for
capitialism, thus stripping away dead wood and smoke screens for the
bourgeoise to hide behind.

The CPA (communist party of Australia) is advocating a yes vote, but also
in their state on the republic issue they also state:

"The basic question before us in November is not so much the method of
election of the new Head of State but whether or not we want a republic.
This is the fundamental issue.Having a popularly elected Head of State
and Parliament would lead to the formation of two possibly conflicting
centres of power. The Parliament, elected by the people, must remain the
prime institution in our political system".

This seems to give the impression that they would not support a direct
elected president, which is a curious stance.  Even if it does lead to a
possibly conflicting centres of power, wouldn't that be a way of
highlighting the undemocratic nature of bourgeoise parliament. It seems
the CPA are saying that the parliamentary system is the best institution
for the representation of the people, which is of course not true.

They do however acknowledge the f0llowing:
The monarchy is an unwanted relic of feudalism in England and colonialism
in Australia. It has become irrelevant. The Aboriginal people, the
majority of migrants and many young Australian born women and men have no
historical or cultural association with the British monarchy. 

Kim B

On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, George Pennefather wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Eric Cartman Sr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Newsgroups: alt.politics.socialism.trotsky
> Sent: Monday, October 25, 1999 11:42 AM
> Subject: Re: Australian referendum
> In article <7v0d21$cpo$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   Andy Lehrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On November 6th Australians vote in a referendum on whether or not to
> > abolish the monarchy and establish a republic. I'm wondering how the
> > left in Australia is intervening? I understand from Green Left Weekly
> > that the DSP is calling for a yes vote for a republic while the ISO
> > is calling for a no vote "against the bosses' republic".
> The ISO is voting to retain the British Queen as Australia's head of
> state?  That deserves more publicity ...
> Sent via
> Before you buy.
>      --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

     --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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