>When RIP van Winkle wakes up from his connubial slumbers, we'll let him
>know what's been happening.

Very droll and just when I'd changed my e-mail signature! Still, I might 
have fallen asleep 30 years ago only to hear the same old 60's refrain 'Its 
an upsurge'.

However, if he can keep his eyes open during

Humbly report I will sir...

he may find himself able to half-inch a 4WD from some factory
>that temporarily finds itself out of the iron grip of bourgeois legality.
>After all, it's an ill wind blows nobody good...

And an it's ill worm that gathers no moss. But 4WD, no thanks I'd rather 
TWOC an Audi TT or better still a TVR.

>PS I can just hear him whistling Johnson's Motor Car to himself as he flies
>over the Midlands lanes in his trophy...

Too true and what's worse it's got a Japanese tuned radio so all I can get 
in the mornings is Terry Wogan.


'Lend me ten pounds and I'll buy you a drink and mother wake me early in the 

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