>>> "The World Socialist movement (via The Socialist Party of Great Britain)" 
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 12/05/99 07:34PM >>>
Dear all,

> >Towards this, I suggest a debate on the real issue behind all of this -
> >historical materialism vs dialectical materialism.
> Only the former can be found in Marx's writings.
> ((((((((((((
> Only the former can be found in Marx's writings by some.
> CB

OK, Charles, start the ball rolling. Find it.


Charles: The ball has already been rolling on this on this list, and the score is 200 
for our side, your side 0.

See below:

Yes, Chris, the direct quotes from
Marx supporting our (I assume I can
say we agree on this) position are mounting
up. It seems to be about 10 to 0 by my
count. Here's another one.

In the Chapter entitled "Rate and
Mass of Surplus-Value" page 309
of International.

"The possessor of money or 
commodities actually turns into
a capitalist in such cases only
where the maaximum sum 
advanced for production greatly
exceeds the maximum of the
middle ages. Here, as in
natural science, is shown the
correctness of the law discovered
by Hegel (in his "Logic"), that 
merely quantitative differences
beyond a certain point pass into
qualitative changes."

If that doesn't prove our case,
I don't know what would. This
is Marx (not Engels) using the 
general term "natural science"
(in general) and saying one
of the three laws that Andy
likes to mock applies to
"natural science". 

Charles Brown

     --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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