>Many thanks to Jari-Pekka for his clarifications.
>And for the knowledge that there are some Trotksyists in Finland -- rare
>birds indeed.

Rare birds we are but hopefully soon as we beging to publish
our own papers and translate Trotsky's writings we will get more support.

>I'm looking forward to those articles -- I'd be delighted to see them as
>early as possible (I read Finnish) so if Jari-Pekka is willing to mail me
>them I'd be really grateful.

Those articles are still in very begining because I haven't had time
to write them as I just end my high school and now I go to army.
But I will send them to you as soon as possible. I'm also writing
article against Cliff's "state capitalism" theory and it has higher 
priority than those other articles.

>When my head is clearer, I'm looking forward to continuing this discussion
>on the choices facing the Finnish workers movement after 1917.

I'm very interested to continue this discussion. I hope that there are some posibility
to read my email in the army but I'm not sure about that.

>Anyone wanting to get the emotional feel of probably most Finns in relation
>to the Second World War would do well to read Unknown Soldier, the novel by
>Vaino Linna. He wrote a big trilogy covering the civil war up to and after
>the Second World War too.

I agree with you. Those books of Väinö Linna give pretty good feeling about
Finnish history.

Jari-Pekka Raitamaa, MO-IWC

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