Headwood wrote:

>Congrats, Hugh! You've fallen for two hoaxes in one message (and I'm
>not even counting the death agony of capitalism.
>If you don't believe me (and why should you?) check out
><http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/wobbler-hoax.html> and

Big deal.

Viruses are real, and a friend of mine has just had a real fucker putting
her computer (PC of course) out of action for two weeks and thwarting the
best efforts of a computer  professional neighbour to put it to rights.

Lots of us have been screwed by Word macro viruses.

If the warning is fake, no harm done -- it might even help by raising
alertness. If it's not, then it's worth getting the news out fast.

And once more Doug seems to be telling us Capitalism's never been healthier.

All that happened was that Dracula got a little fresh blood during the
Asian/Russian/Latin American crisis.

Or is dear old Basilisk-Eyes, Mr Hardhead Critical Observer telling us that
the present speculative bubble is not hot air and bloated credit this time??

Seems to me he's confusing units of capital (ie financial conglomerates,
the multinationals) which are surviving and thus expanding -- capital must
expand to stay alive -- with capitalism as a social system, a mode of
production. But then, he never was a Marxist, so what's new?

And disagreeing with someone's perspective and political principles (or
lack of them in this case) has got nothing to do with "believing". If Doug
makes an empirical claim about a virus, why shouldn't I believe him? I
mean, the whole of his bloody book is a chain of empirical claims. Facts,
facts, facts! Mr Gradgrind would be very proud of him. Trouble is, it
explains fuck all about capitalism, what it's doing and where it's heading.

Except to lull us into thinking that it's never been stronger, of course,
and that our best political hope is a weaker capitalism with a kinder,
gentler regime. Maybe Doug should run for president.



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