Rob writes..

> G'day Bob'n'Hugh,
> I realise I'm probably giving Bob a bat with which to beat Hugh here, but I
> find myself pretty well completely in agreement with Hugh on this one (which
> proves anything can happen in this world).  Get with the critical mass, help
> that mass discover in itself the capacity to transform politics (the whole
> boojie-bipartisan model could be in for a public unclothing, with any luck),
> and then society is that step closer to thinking in terms of more radical
> alternatives.  

Nope Rob. It just don't work that way. You don't start at the tail of movements in 
society and jump on the train. That is why Lenin as well as the ICL understand the 
need of a revolutionary party as the driver of the locomotive. The mass will time and 
again become "ceritical" for different reasons and at different points of history. The 
party is the vanguard which interpets,analizes the whys and wheres and acts along a 
line to interest these movements winning the best elements in the process to its 
understanding of things and its program and tactics.

You sound a lot like your were writting a review for the old cultfilm "The Blob"! 

George where are you.
Wanna here your short witty remark on this stuff if ya got one..
Whoops gotta go now. Gonna do a talk on the US, the McCarthy era Vietnam leading up to 
where we find ourselves
today in Umeå this evening...

Warm regards
Bob Malecki

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