----- Original Message -----
From: Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 11:48 AM
Subject: E-mail storm over Fiji - protest military takeover

> Pass this around: E-mail storm over Fiji - protest military takeover
> Protest the military takeover of Fiji send protest message today to the
> Military Commander Commodore J V Bainimarama and the "Interim PM" Ratu
> Nailatikau calling for :
> the immediate release of the hostages;
> the reinstatement of the Constitution and ;
> the return to democratic rule by the elected government.
> You can send your protest notes to the military junta by e-mail or fax:
>  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; or
>  fax: 679 306 034.
> Please send copies of protest messages - and more solidarity messages - to
> the Fiji TUC. You can either e-mail or fax the TUC at:
>  fax: 679 300 308
> The ICFTU has now set up a very valuable Fiji Democracy page which is =
> being regularly updates. You can find the ICFTU at: www.icftu.org.
> The Public Services International has also set up a good Fiji Solidarity
> Campaign page. You can find the PSI material at: www.world-psi.org
> And remember to regularly check: www.labourstart.org

     --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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