Carl Davidsonposted toAdvocates of Communism
A new post added on the OUL Blog today, a fascinating new introduction
to the Communist Manifesto by Marshall Berman, first run in Dissent.
Among other things, it mention study group on Marx among Wall
Streeters these days trying to figure out what's really happening. Add
your comments. Then go to our 'Study Guide' section and run the
multimedia presentation on the CM, which combines popular folk songs,
video and great narrative by Zach Robinson.

The Manifesto: A Document to Live with

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Tearing Away the Veils: The Communist Manifesto
By Marshall Berman
Dissent Magazine, May 6, 2011

The following essay is the introduction to the Penguin Classics Deluxe
Edition of the Communist Manifesto, published this March.

TODAY, IN the early-twenty-first century, the Communist Manifesto is
far less read than it once was. It is hard for people who are just
growing up to grasp the way in which, for most of the twentieth
century, Communist governments dominated much of the world. Communist
educational systems were powerful and successful in many ways. But
they were twisted in the way they canonized Marx and Engels as
official patron saints. It is hard for people who have grown up
without patron saints—Americans should not be too hasty to include
themselves—to grasp this idea. But for decades, all over the world,
any candidate for advancement in a Communist organization was expected
to know certain passages and themes from Marx’s writings by heart, and
to quote them fluently. (And expected not to know many other Marxian
ideas: ideas of alienated labor, ideas of domination by the state,
ideas of freedom.)

Full text:

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