“Black Revolutionary” explores life of William Patterson and global
freedom fight

by: Tony Pecinovsky
November 8 2013

tags: book review, African Americans, racism, activism, revolutionary, history

William L. Patterson has long been known as a hero in the fight
against racism and for socialism. Probably best known for his
leadership to save the Scottsboro defendants, nine African American
youth falsely accused of raping a white women, and as the director of
the Civil Rights Congress, which was widely viewed as the legal
defense arm of the broad African American freedom struggle, Patterson
also served as a national leader of the Communist Party USA.

In Gerald Horne's new book, "Black Revolutionary: William Patterson
and the Globalization of the African American Freedom Struggle," we
are privy to Patterson's transformation as a well-to-do New York
lawyer - in Horne's words, he was "living large, accumulating a
sizable bank account" - into a revolutionary and international leader
who struggled his whole life against Jim Crow, South African
apartheid, colonialism, red-baiting and war with the Soviet Union.

It is in his formative days as a young lawyer that Patterson met the
legendary athlete, actor and artist Paul Robeson; they remained
lifelong friends. It was the Communist Party's defense of Sacco and
Vanzetti, two Italian born anarchists falsely convicted of murder that
lead Patterson to give up his high paying gig as a law partner, and
eventually join the Communist Party in 1926.

"I followed the Sacco-Vanzetti case with all my soul," Horne quotes
Patterson as saying. "It was at this moment that a weighty realization
dawned: 'I came to the conclusion then that through the channels of
the law and of more legal action [alone] the Negro would never win
equality' for 'if a white worker like Tom Mooney and white foreigners
like Sacco and Vanzetti could be so victimized, what chance was there
for Negroes at the very bottom.'"

Sacco and Vanzetti were eventually executed in spite of national and
international protest.

After officially joining the party, Patterson immersed himself into
the International Labor Defense, the legal defense arm of the
Scottsboro Boys, and the American Negro Labor Congress, which
challenged the racism of then lily-white American Federation of Labor.

As an emerging and prominent African American leader of the CPUSA,
Patterson was sent to Moscow, where he met dozens of future leaders of
the African liberation movement and forged the international contacts
that proved to be so important in the coming dismantling of Jim Crow
back home.

"While abroad, he recounted, 'I had met leaders [and] liberation
fighters of almost every country in the world' an invaluable
experience that gave him a depth of understanding beyond the ken of
most of his peers...," and another example of how the former Soviet
Union helped to forge the worldwide contacts and connections that
served to isolate Jim Crow racism and eventually hasten its defeat.

While Black Revolutionary is a biography of Patterson, it is also an
examination of how Cold War politics affected the African American
freedom struggle. For example, Horne devotes considerable text to the
NAACP's mismanagement of certain aspects of the Scottsboro case, as
well as, their refusal to help the ILD organize mobilization protests.
In many cases, the NAACP's membership participated in spite of its
leadership's insistence on legal defense only. The NAACP also
disavowed left-progressive leaders, like founding member W.E.B. Du
Bois, in the hopes of saving itself from the emerging Cold War witch

Horne also devotes considerable text to the Civil Rights Congress
petition to the United Nations, titled "We Charge Genocide," which was
"a devastating indictment of the U.S. authorities' complicity and
dereliction in lynching, murder, deprivation of voting rights and all
manner of crimes" against African Americans. Patterson delivered the
petition - to much press coverage - in Paris, while Robeson
simultaneously delivered it to the UN headquarters in New York.

After the delivery of the petition, Patterson exclaimed, "...mission
accomplished...[by which] I meant that the struggle for American
Negroes for their rightful place in their own nation was merging with
the liberation struggles of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin
America." Joyfully, Patterson - in acknowledging the role of the
Soviet Union, the Eastern European states and African liberation
struggles - said, "I had learned much about the essence of the term
international working class solidarity."

However, just as the noxious poison of Jim Crow was being dismantled
and as the mid-50s and early 60s civil rights movements were emerging,
another simultaneous trend was developing - the McCarthy era. Just as
Jim Crow was gasping for its last breath, Patterson and other leaders
of the CRC and Communist Party found themselves in jail; those that
remained free had their passports revoked, were harassed by the FBI,
were attacked, like Robeson in Peekskill, N.Y., and/or went

Horne's Black Revolutionary isn't just valuable as a history of 30s,
40s and 50s era class struggle, it also highlights the role prominent
communists, like Patterson, played in the legal defense of the 60s and
70s era black liberation movements, most notably the defense of the
Black Panther Party - of which, Patterson acted as mentor and legal
counsel to many of the leaders, including Angela Davis.

There is so much food for thought in Black Revolutionary that it is
almost impossible to summarize into a short review. Without
reservation, Gerald Horne's biography of William L. Patterson should
be required reading for anyone interested in the global context of the
African American freedom struggle.

Book review

"Black Revolutionary: William Patterson and the Globalization of the
African American Freedom Struggle"

Gerald Horne

University of Illinois Press, 320 pp., October 2013

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