Right, let's just ignore the reality that the NLRB is stacked with
capital's reps, approved by the Senate (or not because the Demoncraps and
Repugnicans turned it into a contested area)
or that after the so-called 'communist scandal', the NLRB largely became a
federal organ for SUPPRESSING labor agitation and industrial action.

But anyway, a much more informative article, excerpts included here:


>>The National Labor Relations Board announced that its general counsel,
Richard Griffin, found merit in charges that the retailer unlawfully
threatened employees in California and Texas with reprisal if they engaged
in strikes and protests ahead of Black Friday, the big shopping day after

Griffin also is ready to press charges that Wal-Mart illegally threatened,
disciplined or terminated more than 100 employees in 13 states for
participating in legally protected strikes and protests last November over
wages and working conditions.<<


>>The NLRB statement Monday said Griffin found no merit to other charges
against Wal-Mart. He found the company did not interfere with workers'
rights to strike by telling protesters in Texas and Illinois to move off
store property. And he found that store officials in California and
Washington did not unlawfully change work schedules or otherwise retaliate
against workers who exercised their legal right to discuss wages and
working conditions.<<

I would expect either a settlement within a couple weeks or an appeal that
Walmart wins.

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