Dear friends of Marxism-Thaxis listserv,

We send you solidarity greetings and the latest information for the next
conference. It would be great if you could forward this information. In
case you live not to far away, we also would be happy if some of you are
interested in joining our volunteer team either to prepare the conference
and/or onsite this year, see our volunteer opportunities

We hope also you find this year conference theme encouraging to propose
your own panels.

The theme<>for
the 2014 Left Forum Conference is "*Reform
and/or Revolution: Imagining a World with Transformative Justice*."
download <> it).
The call for 
be downloaded
here <>.

This is the 10th year of the Forum, which will be held from May 30th - June
1, at the spacious new conference center at John Jay (CUNY) College in New
York City. The conference grounds include beautiful open social spaces and
many conference rooms (preview here<>

Please consider submitting a panel or workshop for the conference right
away (whether in full or partial form - propose a panel
And please forward this theme and call for panels and workshops far and
wide (forward 
It would be wonderful to mobilize allies and new organizers, public
intellectuals, artists, and activists for the 10th year of this gathering.

We look forward to working with you and seeing you at the conference.

In Solidarity,

Carissa, IƱigo, Lisa, Marcus, Matt, Rachel, and Seth

Left Forum Panel Outreach

Panel Submission Deadline: *April 6th 2014. *We ask that you submit your
panel, workshop, panel track proposals or panel ideas as soon as you can as
the move to a new conference location means that we must work early with
all proposals.

For inquiries, contact <>

*Helpful links:*
- to see instructions on how to submit a panel: submit a panel for the 2014
conference. <>
- to see panels from previous years: see past conference
- read the newsletter of highlights on the 2013 conference: newsletter

**Please forward widely** <> | left forum on
forum on Twitter <> |  | 212-817-2003 <212-817-2003>
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