While I grieve the loss of life of my fellow human
beings at the Pentagon and the WTC, I think that it is
important for anyone who in any sense considers
him/herself a Marxist or a progressive to remember
that there are folks out there, specifically, but by
no means limited to, the ultra-right and the arms
merchants, who stand to profit in a big way from any
"war on terrorism." These are the ones that I hear
screaming the loudest for blood. Do we want to support
them as they seek a pretext for war over the bodies of
those murdered? As a Communist, I certainly do not.

As for what should be done, I think that the PERPS of
this criminal act should be identified and brought to
trial in a court of law. Bombing the shit out of
innocent civilians simply because we are angry at the
loss of innocent civilians in our own country DOES NOT
serve the cause of justice. And while we are on the
subject of justice, we should be trying to move the
public discourse toward looking at the ROOT CAUSES of
terrorism, not just the symptoms. What about the
economic terrorism that monopoly capitalism and their
lackeys in the US government practice all over the
world (i.e. IMPERIALISM)? What about the terrorism of
US-supported death squads in Central and South
What about the US-supported genocide against the
Palestanian people? What about the US sanctions that
have killed 500,000 in Iraq, mostly women and
children? The list is endless.

Food for thought, no?


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