On Sun, 03 Mar 2002 17:58:06 +0000 Chris Burford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Has any one seen any discussion around this film that might 
> illuminate his 
> attitude of mind here, or has anyone read the biography by Sylvia 
> Nasar? I 
> doubt very much that there was any conscious influence of marxism - 
> rather 
> the reverse - but his Nobel Prize appears to have been of a type 
> that that 
> was a forerunner of complexity theory - seeing more complicated 
> patterns 
> than common sense at first perceives,  in the interaction of 
> animals, 
> birds, homo economicus. (In fact his contribution undermined the 
> original 
> crudities of purely selfish game theory in economics.)

It should be noted that game theory that the Analytic Marxists,
especially the economist John Roemer and the social scientist
Jon Elster have attempted to use game theory for the purpose
of elucidating certain Marxian concepts.  For example, Roemer
has sought to develop a theory of exploitation  based on game
theoretic concepts that would replace Marx's labor theory of
value.  Analytic Marxists have attempted to use game theory
for understanding how and under what conditions class solidarity
and class consciousness can develop.  Even those Marxists
of a more orthodox inclination (than the Analytic Marxists) have
found game theory to be useful for such things as elucidating
Marx's law of falling profit rates.

Jim F.

> The idea of a scarcely visible crystalline architecture to the 
> universe, 
> and also of dramatic changes if we can only glimse it has something 
> in 
> common with marxism, and if you agree with the marxist analysis, the 
> actual 
> structure of the universe.
> It is also possibly consistent with Roy Bhaskar's theory of 
> layering.
> The vulnerability of human beings to schizophrenic breakdowns may be 
> linked 
> among other things to an openness to these mysteries, which can also 
> lead 
> the individual to have a shaky hold on conventional social reality.
> Chris Burford
> London
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