Corporate Power Is the Enemy of Our Democracy 
Published on Wednesday, March 20, 2002 in the Long
Island, NY Newsday

by Robert Jensen

GEORGE W. BUSH says he likes to put things in simple
terms. Let's adopt his strategy and ask: Do Americans
want to struggle to create a rich democracy, or are we
going to roll over and accept a democracy for the rich?

Never has the question been placed in front of us more
starkly. Let's run down some of the "highlights" of the
Bush administration's first year:

Tax cuts that overwhelmingly benefit the most wealthy.
Environmental regulation gutted in favor of "voluntary"
efforts by corporations. An obsession with an
unnecessary and unworkable national missile defense,
which will defend little except the profits of the
weapons industry. An energy policy plotted with the
companies that will profit, through a consultation
process the administration wants to keep secret.

Could there be a pattern here? Could it be that
politicians, who are supposed to represent we the
people, sometimes pursue agendas that benefit only the
few people and corporations with the resources to put
(and keep) them in power?

Could the obvious be true - that a country with an
economy dominated by large corporations will find
itself stuck with a politics dominated by those same
corporations - and that ordinary people don't fare very
well in such a system?

Perhaps we should ask the question from the other
angle: So long as corporations rule the economy, how
could it be any other way?

When the Enron debacle broke, politicians eager to
distance themselves from the mess argued it was a
business scandal, not a political one. One lesson of
Enron is that there is no distinction: A business
scandal involving a large corporation is by definition
a political scandal in a nation where corporations
dominate the political sphere.

By law and tradition, corporations exist for one reason
only: to maximize profit. Neither history nor logic
gives any reason to think that profit-maximizing leads
to meaningful democracy. Corporations are undemocratic
internally and usually hostile to democracy externally.

As anyone who has ever worked in one knows, there is no
such thing as democracy within a corporation. Authority
is vested in the hands of a small number of directors
who empower managers to wield control. Those managers
on occasion might solicit the views of folks below; it
is usually called "seeking input." But input does not
translate into the power to effect change, implement
policy or control our own lives.

U.S. corporations do their best to subvert meaningful
democracy at home through bribes to politicians,
commonly called campaign contributions. They have shown
repeatedly in other countries that they prefer
dictatorships and oligarchies to real democracies;
authoritarian governments are much easier to cut a deal

Although politicians and pundits are often very good at
avoiding the obvious, it's hard not to notice that this
concentration of economic power in the hands of a few
has long had a corrosive effect on democracy. In the
Bush administration, that corrosion has accelerated.
It's not that Bill Clinton was - or the Democrats, in
general, are - fundamentally different, only that the
Bush boys and many of today's top Republicans are so
brazen about it.

Looking back at the 20th century, we can see two
powerful trends: the growth of democracy and the growth
of corporate power. People of conscience and principle
fought to enrich democracy in the United States by
expanding the franchise to women and non-white people,
carving out space for free expression and organizing
popular movements to pressure politicians. At the same
time, corporations went about the business of enriching
themselves by expanding their powers through the
strategic use of laws and politics. Let's celebrate the
expansion of people's formal rights, but not be naïve
about how concentrations of wealth and power have made
those formal rights increasingly irrelevant as
corporate money saturates the system.

Borrowing one more time the Bush
simple-and-to-the-point style: Are corporations and
democracy compatible?

A Business Week survey during the last election showed
how clearly people are coming to understand that the
answer is no. Nearly three-quarters of the Americans
surveyed said business has gained too much power over
too many aspects of their lives. The trick now is to
use those rights - speaking, organizing, voting - and
take back democracy from the corporations.

Campaign-finance reform, while a reasonable first step
in and of itself, won't solve the problem. Like water
that finds cracks in a dam, corporate money will find a
way to pervert our politics until we deal with the
fundamentally anti-democratic nature of the

At its core, democracy is about spreading power as
widely as possible, while corporate capitalism is about
concentrating power. That means the struggle to make
American democracy ever more democratic in practice
will have to be a struggle against corporate power.

Robert Jensen is a professor of journalism at the
University of Texas at Austin, a member of the Nowar
Collective, and author of the book Writing Dissent:
Taking Radical Ideas from the Margins to the
Mainstream. His pamphlet, "Citizens of the Empire," is
available at
Other writings are available online at
htm. He can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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