I am taking the considerable liberty of forwarding this to list 
administrators at marxism-administration,  since marxism-psych 
is essentially a dead letter. But many of the lists here at Utah have 
some historical continuity with the marxism-unmoderated list, 
on which Adolfo Olaechea was a signficant figure, and you may 
wish to decide what of this you wish to pass on. Also if you accept 
my argument, although many people have had their differences with 
him, his arrest, and eager repatration are of potentially great
in the growing trends towards global law, in world in which imperialism 
is even more dominant than before.

Chris Burford

Date: Sun, 06 Jul 2003 13:54:39 +0100
From: Chris Burford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Adolfo Olaechea extradited to Peru

>From Chris Burford

I first picked this announcement from Louis Godena up today from 
marxism-international e-mail list but I see Louis Proyect has already, 
quite rightly, posted it on Marxmail.

Adolfo Olaechea has been a significant figure in the development 
of "marxism-space" and its relevance in the imperialist world. 
Each person who has been involved in an overlapping number of 
lists will remember this from their own experience. I do not claim 
to be objective. But Adolfo Olaechea participated vigorously in the 
later 90's a very high volume list called "marxism unmoderated" 
hosted by the "Spoons" collective. He championed the cause of the 
Peruvian Communist Party (PCP) associated with Sendero Luminoso, 
Shining Path, and denounced liberal criticisms of what he defended 
as its revolutionary Peoples War. He also robustly criticised
and of course was criticised in turn, in a way that would not be 
tolerated on PEN-L. 

At one stage a flame war between self-declared champions of the 
PCP in London and New York broke out which appeared to be potentially 
much more than this, with accusations and real possibilities of people 
being agents provocateurs deliberately or objectively.

Although I always thought that marxism-unmoderated was more viable 
than many did, the bulk of the volume went to a new list 
marxism-international, moderated by 4 people. Around the same time 
as the moderation subsequently passed to Louis Godena and Adolfo 
Olaechea many people left the list. My impression was that the bulk 
were inherited by Doug Henwood's LBO-talk and Louis Proyect's 
Marxmail, but there were other moderated lists, a number of which 
were hosted out of Utah.  Marxism-international contracted to several 
posts per month. I was a number of subscribers who did not challenge 
the new moderator policy, although it is not close to my more liberal 
views, as I wanted to continue to subscribe to and receive information 
on Peru and similar perspectives.

While marxism-international declined in volume (as some lists do anyway) 
Adolfo Olaechea and others set up an organisation with a wider radical 
democratic global perspective, called "Justice International" of which 
he is the general secretary.

Much of  this preamble, might be disputed at least in its emphasis 
but I think we need to set a context.  Although I have had my ownbruising

encounters with Adolfo Olaechea, as many have, I suggest this 
development is much more than a story of one man being vicitimised.

Indeed the readiness of Adolfo Olaechea to go directly to Peru, to 
my mind suggests that in the spirit that Lenin urged, he is fully 
intending to defend himself vigorously in court, and very probably 
has anticipated this possibility for some time. 

I am not sure how broad a campaign could be built around this. 
My experience was one of solidarity with the ANC which involved 
working with churches,  and liberals. Certainly it might include 
compromises with organisations like Amnesty International, 
of which Adolfo Olaechea has been very critical in the past. 

However as far as he is concerned as an individual, if anyone 
can do a Georgi Dimitrov at the Reichstag Trial, and put his 
accusers in the dock, it is Adolfo Olaechea. His scorn is withering. 
His political perspective cannot easily be dismissed in the 
context of Peru, if not the wider world. 

What adds to the potential significance is the whole theme of how 
Empire is imposing its own model of global justice, Guantanamo 
Bay style, or Pinochet house arrest style. The Peruvian Government 
has just decided to renew its call of last year to Japan, to extradite 
Alberto Fujimori for crimes against humanity during his ten year 
presidency. It is likely that Japan will continue to refuse on the 
grounds that Fujimori has dual nationality, because of his 
Japanese parents. 


 Meanwhile Adolfo Olaechea has accepted the challenge of his extradition.

While there is perhaps still scope for people's war in some countries, 
I think this development is part of the trend on a world scale to try to 
impose allegedly new standards of legal accountability, but in an 
entirely imperialist environment. The struggle of democratic forces 
to resist this trend is potentially extremely important.

I will post separately an article Adolfo OIaechea submitted to 
marxism-international last month on the situation in Peru in 
which he points out how techniques now used in Guantanamo 
bay were used against the PCP.

Louis Godena may be setting up another e-mail list for this new 
development and asks people in the USA to contact him directly, 
(see below for email and phone numbers). Meanwhile 
marxism-international is likely to be an obvious outlet for posting 
all updates:-


Other URL's which will either be too liberal or too sectarian for 
some or all people, which I checked today for information 
on Peru, include

http://www.hrw.org/press/2003/04/fujimori040703.htm Human Rights Watch

http://web.amnesty.org/library/eng-per/index Amnesty International 

http://www.csrp.org/ associated with the Revolutionary Communist Party

http://www.blythe.org/peru-pcp/ historical archive by controversial 
organisation claiming to support thePCP up to 1998

This is Louis Godena's post -

From: Louis R Godena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: [MARXISM-INTERNATIONAL] Adolfo Olaechea Has 
Our Complete and Unconditional Support! 
Comments: To: Marxism and Sciences 
          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
          [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
          [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Dear Friends & Comrades;
As I reported earlier, our dear comrade Adolfo Olaechea, 
co-moderator of Marxism-International and General Secretary 
of Justice International, has been arrested while on a business 
trip to Spain.  The precipitating cause of his detention is a year-old 
warrant issued by Interpol on behalf of the Peruvian government 
(at the urging, no doubt, of the US and its secret and intelligence 
services).  Those familiar with the work of Adolfo will remember 
his tireless efforts on behalf of ordinary people everywhere and 
may recall his constant hounding by reactionaries of virtually 
every nationality as a result
Characteristically, Comrade Olaechea has waived his rights 
to a 60-day waiting period and has chosen to be extradited 
immediately to Lima to face the Toledo regime (itself a 
wholly-owned subsidiary of US financial circles) and defeat 
these charges.  One can speculate endlessly on the reasons 
for this development or the contrast presented by Comrade 
Olaechea in facing his judges with that of one of his chief accusers, 
the former president who now hides in a foreign country fighting 
with the aid of his stolen booty to prevent his returning to atone for 
his numerous misdemeanors.  It is more important now, I believe, 
to set about the practical problems of facilitating Comrade Olaechea's 
defense and his successful return to his rightful place in the life of 
the country he loves so well.
A number of us here in the US have formed a ad hoc committee to 
aid Comrade Olaechea and his family in whatever way we can.   
We invite all those of good will to join us.  Please contact me at 
anytime at my home or by mobile phone.  We look forward to 
hearing from you.
Comradely Regards,
Louis Godena
1720 Diamond Hill Road,
Cumberland, Rhode Island 02864 USA
(401) 334-4296
(401) 617-9088

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