
20 November 2003

After the New Economy
by James Heartfield

After the New Economy, Doug Henwood, The New Press, 2003, GBP £16.95

New Yorker Doug Henwood's multimedia assault on American capitalism 
ranges from the Left Business Observer - a newsletter, website and 
discussion group - a weekly radio show on WBAI, the definitive expose 
of Wall Street (Verso, 1998), and now his new book After the New 

Henwood's high standing among radicals in America and beyond arises 
from his ability, not only to understand the wilder shores of high 
finance, but also to explain what is wrong there. Widening the focus 
to the economy as a whole, Henwood's latest book is a rattling good 
read, as well as being a clear introduction to the complexities of 
economic statistics and the real world trends behind them.

Henwood makes short work of the shibboleths of the 'New Economy' 
trumpeted by Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan and many in the 
financial press. He also takes apart the 'post-materialist' fantasies 
of George Gilder and Business Week, showing that the 'overthrow of 
matter' was prematurely celebrated. He is particularly good at going 
for the jugular, exposing ramshackle exploitation behind the 
book-selling website Amazon's glowing front page, and neatly exposing 
'all the substitutes for profits that became so fashionable in the 
later 1990s - "eyeballs", "hits" and "pageviews".'

Henwood takes some risks himself. As a critic of Wall Street, he is 
well placed to enlarge his audience among the 'anti-capitalist' 
movement of recent times. But rather than joining in with the Greek 
chorus of woe-sayers, bemoaning the end of the world, Henwood is 
resolutely optimistic about new technology. More than that, he shows 
where the critics are wrong, exposing the anti-human ideas of the 
deep ecology movement and their ambition to reduce the population. 
Drawing out the unlovely consequences of the arguments made by greens 
such as David Korten and Kirkpatrick Sale, Henwood concludes 'this is 
snobbery, elitism and despair, masquerading as radical critique' 

Henwood's chapter on income inequality seems the least satisfying - 
though the treatment of the facts is more judiciously handled than in 
most other approaches. (Henwood's account of the changes in the 
demography of the US working class, and its impact on racial and 
gender inequality, is most interesting.) Perhaps this is because 
these issues were dealt with so well before, as in Andrew Hacker's 
Money (1997). And, as Henwood points out, 'polarisation continued 
well into the 1990s and beyond, but with much less political impactŠ. 
Maybe people have gotten used to it.' The fact that inequality fails 
to ignite popular criticism of the powers-that-be ought to be 
investigated, and writers like Henwood should ask more questions when 
establishment bodies like the United Nations churn out ever-more 
alarming inequality statistics.

The chapter on globalisation is the best, with its clear explanation 
of the mysteries of trade and its willingness to go against the grain 
of accepted ideas on the left. In particular, Henwood takes care to 
show that contemporary investment patterns are not a repeat of what 
Lenin described as the super-exploitation of the third world, and 
that not all growth in the developing world is unwelcome. He is wise, 
too, on the state of the ruling elite, arguing that 'its members are 
feeling a bit besieged'. If there were more minds like Henwood's 
available, we might imagine the besieged elite being replaced 

James Heartfield's 'Capitalism and anti-capitalism' is published in 
interventions, Vol 5 (2), 271-89.


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