On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 13:07:30 -0400 Ralph Dumain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> It is essential not to have illusions.  It is also crucial to defeat 
> Bush.

The problem is that's of Kerry supporters do have illusions concerning
The fact is, he is a hawk concerning both Iraq and the so-called
"war on terrorism" and he has spent this campaign trying to
outflank Bush from the right on these issues (sort of like JFK's 1960
election strategy against Nixon).  I see no reason why he won't govern
this way, if he enters the Oval Office next year, given his political
and the kinds of political forces that he would most likely be bumping
up against, if he becomes president.

Also, the record of liberals and progressives in regards to the
Clinton Administration is not very comforting here.  Under Clinton
we saw such things as the passage of NAFTA and GATT, the 
abolition of AFDC, the passage of anti-terrorism legislation
following the Oklahoma City bombing (which presaged Bush's
Patriotic Act), the prosecution of a war against Yugolslavia
in 1999, and the brutal imposition of sanctions (backed up
by frequent aerial assaults) against Iraq.  In other words
stuff, that most progressives would never have tolerated
from a Republican president.  But after all, Clinton was
"our guy" who was himself under constant attacl by the
right, so all was forgiven.

I suspect that we would see much the same thing
under a Kerry Administration.  He too will come
under assault by the right-wing attack machine
and all manner of liberals and progressives will
be looking the other way, when Kerry pursues a
more aggressive foreign policy, or revives the
draft or attempts to
privatize social security, or does other things
that a Republican president cannot do, since
after all Kerry is "our guy."

> At 12:47 PM 10/24/2004 -0400, Jim Farmelant wrote:
> >Sunday Telegraph October 24, 2004
> >John Kerry will make his adoring anti-war groupies look like fools
> >By Edward Luttwak
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