Concerning anecdotal evidence, my father lived to 82, my mother is 82, all
my grandparents lived to 80's, one nineties. They all ate cheese. :>)

How long do you want to live ? Everybody has got to die of something. Some
food we eat because eating is one of the simple pleasures of life: Eat ,
drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.

I have "virtually no afflictions". (knock on wood)I go to the doctor because
of my age, for checkups. However, I eat cheese and ice cream :>)

I'm going for 150 years old !

Long live all communists !


Quickie note: 
Reply: The issue of the protein theory and whether or not the human body 
needs protein to make protein is interesting. Upon inspection the issue is
really whether or not the body needs protein but the basis of protein 
accumulation and regeneration - production, within the body. That is to say
does one have 
to "eat protein" to "make protein?" 
Where ever you get your protein source from - meat and dairy, if it is 
systematically removed from your diet you will become healthier in as little
as 30 
days. Actually in 5 days if you take an enema or herbs to ensure massive
movements. This way your body will not be overloaded with toxins and poisons

of feces seeking elimination. This applies to 99% of the people in America 
Virtually all of us are to fat and dying from obesity and wrong consumption.

Although it is hard to admit, our society is composed of little bitty 
individual bourgeoisie's and workers that act as such, more than less dying
from over 
production, over consumption and obesity.  
The mass production, exchange and consumption of cheese cannot be justified 
based on its impact on the human organism. It is impossible to prove that 
cheese eating creates protein. Stop eating cheese and you will feel better
several weeks because it clogs the digestive system and take a very long
time to 
be eliminated from the body. Anyone can prove this on their own body in real

Virtually every affliction we suffer from in our society is curable on the 
basis of withdrawing from over consumption, over eating and wrong food. The 
mixed foods on our plates makes matters worse, but this is called variety by
bourgeois peddlers. Variety is the spice of life means one does not know
spice is and its origins.

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