The Changing Form Of The State 
Demands the LRNA Disperse To Connect With Revolutionaries 

December 2004 Steering Committee Report 

Bush's victory in the 2004 presidential election signals that the pace of the 
process of transforming the governmental machinery to accommodate the 
national and international needs of global capitalism will quicken 
Claiming a mandate, Bush announced that he would pursue sweeping changes in 
Security and the tax code. "I earned capital in the campaign, political 
capital, and now I intend to spend it," he said.

Bush has no mandate. Already opponents in and outside the government are 
mounting a determined opposition to the policies of his administration. 
it is clear that the opposition is not at all concerned with strategic matters, 
but is limited to disagreement over how best to maintain and extend the rule 
of capital.

We have said many times that the introduction of electronics and robotics 
into production represents the introduction of qualitatively new means of 
production. This changes everything, including the form of the state.

Globalization - capitalism in the age of electronics - has as its imperative 
the removal of all barriers to the mobility of capital in all its forms, 
including those barriers imposed by the state.

However, this does not mean that the nature of the state changes. A state is 
an instrument of the ruling class to maintain its position as the dominant 
class. Any change in the form or function of the state machine undertaken by 
ruling class is made in accordance with the changing needs of the class and 
always with reference to strengthening and extending its position as the ruling 
class. Today, the principal needs of the ruling class involve adjusting to the 
changes in private property.


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