Part 2

Dialectics of the new class or communist class

I am proud to be part of the communist movement and none of our errors, 
mistakes and lapses in judgment comes close on the scale of history to the 
murderous actions of the bourgeoisie and my very own imperial bourgeoisie. The 
politics of world communism as viewed from my own history as American and the 
bourgeois of all bourgeois working classes is interesting. A brief summary is 

Historically there was an objective communist movement as human history, 
because of the low means of development of the material power of production or 
a social form of organization in correspondence to a primitive state of 
development of the material power of production. The greatest part of human 
experiences was carried on within/as some communist form of social 

Mona Lisa was not a man and communism ain't Marxism, although it is a science 
current within the struggle for communism in the epoch of capitalism or the 
epoch of the bourgeoisie. 

Since the down fall and breakup of primitive communism, the communist 
movement has been the sum total of people who joined and became part of the 
assertion believing in some form of communism. Since such a movement rests on 
thoughts, feelings, visions, dreams or conviction, the communist movement as 
groups of people organized for this goal has been subjective or ideological; a 
material striving of individuals and sectarian groups with a vision. The 
communist movement as a vision expressed the past as a lived experience of 
projected into the future. There however was no class aggregate consciously or 
unconsciously fighting for communism or driven to spontaneous demand the 
stated economic and political goals of communism, nor had society advance to a 
state of infrastructure evolution to transcend commodity exchange and value in 
the minds of men (men as the initial class aggregate owners of instruments of 

The bourgeoisie is a man born without convictions, casting off the existing 
convictions he is asked to inherit and then he creates the modern and his 
convictions as correspondence to what created him as "it" evolves. The "it" is 
complexity we call society but "its" primacy or fundamentality is viewed as 
the material power of production and its various forms of ownership rights. 
The epoch of the bourgeoisie means he is "it" as the flesh and primary owner. 
The bourgeoisie and proletariat as a unity emerged welding instruments of 
production that created new social organization, new forms of wealth, real 
products as the force of exchange and battle cries of freedom for this new way 
life to be what "it" could be. This concrete economic relationship evolved 
within the framework of feudalism not simply as potential of the new productive 
forces but as the actual emergence, working and reorganization of people around 
new technology regime and system of product exchange.

The schematic presentation of the bourgeoisie as a scattered producer, then a 
middle class in feudal society; as guild owners and sturdy men of means and 
fortitude that advance lockstep with the development of the material power of 
production is an excellent explanation . . . after the fact and formation of 
the bourgeoisie as the social power of privately owned capital. The actual 
formation of the capitalist class and workers in unity as the new technological 
regime was more varied and complex but the abstraction as explanation holds 

There will not be, nor can there be, any concrete forms of communist economic 
and social organization as society within the framework of bourgeois social 
organization. We are not going to be able to grow a small communism in America 
and watch it get big and over take bourgeois production. Thus, the communist 
of my hue never scream bloody murder against reformism because the primary 
classes of a social system are locked in a life and death battle to reform the 
system in each others favor/flava. Rather, we speak of the revolutionary 
for reform because our power as a force of history lies in our continuous and 
enlarging combination of communist visionaries. "Revolutionary combination 
due to association." 
The bourgeoisie and proletariat as a unity went to work everyday as 
bourgeoisie and proletariat within the crumbling environment of feudal society. 
was an objective bourgeois historical movement within the environment of the 
destruction of feudal society as concrete material relations of (re)production, 
exchange, and distribution.  There were also always people who believed in 
communism because there were always people who believed in communism because 
is where we come from. Communism lives in our hearts and had to be trained 
out of us. 

Since there has been no "objective" economic movement of the mass of people, 
as rising class aggregates, for communism during the rising and ascending 
epoch of the bourgeoisie, we faced a very real contradiction between our 
convictions or vision and dream states, and the developing industrial logic of 
blocking a spontaneous path to communism. The serf and Nobility does not and 
cannot aspire to abolish themselves from history, not can the bourgeoisie and 
proletariat - as they are connected to or exists in correspondence to a given 
state of development of the material power of production. The proletariat as an 
industrial class must and did strive to improve its conditions of labor, not 
abolish the labor condition because society had not advance to a point when 
such a vision can grip the mass of humanity. 
The ascendancy of the industrial system itself blocked us, so we invented 
solutions to the problems at hand that would lead us down the shortest root to 
society with the material basis - productive power, of our dream society. 
And we could not solve this contradiction on the basis of a correct program 
of action or ideological purity of thought because it is an evolutionary issue 
that has to be worked through.  I am saying that it is not possible to leap - 
make the transition, to communism on the basis of the industrial 
infrastructure and life itself solved for us this problem that could not be 
solved by 
practical politics. 
It is not a question of "the leap to communism" not occurring as a sort of 
proof of its impossibility. Nor is it a question of the workers in the imperial 
centers not achieving state power and therefore it could not happen. As an 
abstraction, "anything" could have happened. However, my personal and intimate 
location in the "class struggle" colors my vision and understanding. There 
existed in my lifetime a nationwide revolutionary crisis of significant 
proportions that could allow the struggle of a sector of the working class to 
over and outside the bounds of bourgeoisie legality; paralyzing and 
polarizing the state in such a manner that a group of insurrectionaries from 
the left 
and communist sector could have taken power. 
Yet, we had to try and solve complicated question like the role of money as a 
fiat technology instrument and in relationship to bourgeois society as a 
store of value, in our trading with world capital. The fate and faith of the 
agricultural producer kicked us in the pants, because he could not and would 
alienate his products except on the basis of exchange for industrial goods. 
it got worse as the population within our sphere of state authority were able 
to measure their daily lives - not on the basis of the less developed 
countries, but the more advance bourgeois states. 
"Hey, brother I love our socialism and Fidel but what about those new jeans 
and shoes I want to get for my girlfriend to be?" 
"Young Comrade, she does not want that kind of stuff because of her 
commitment to socialism. She'll become your girl friend anyway." 
"Yea . . . I know, but watch her put on those pants." 

There is no such thing as bourgeois pants or bourgeois denim. The world is 
not ours for the thinking. 
The communist movement for the past 150 has been a movement that declared 
itself for communism, and has led the militant struggle for reform, even when 
communists managed to take political authority in various countries. What was 
being reformed was the industrial system as two currents of communism. Within 
socialism the property form was changed - not abolished but reformed. Within 
bourgeois society the death battle was waged/raged to expand political 
liberties and the workers share of the social products. 
There has been objective revolutionary movements and objective reform 
movements, but there has never, in modern times, been an objective communist 
- until now! 
The people who want communism - bless their/my hearts, is not the meaning of 
"movement" or social movement. The Mormons are not a social movement or 
movement in the meaning of the context of Marx method. Social movement means 
spontaneous re/grouping (assertion) of people - movement, on the basis of 
changes in 
the means of production and as correspondence to a given and new state of 
development o the technological regime. 
The point is that the spontaneous mass movement of the working class and 
peasants has not and could not move along any concrete economic or social rail 
communism. The bourgeoisie and workers moved along a concrete economic and 
social rail of bourgeois production relations within the womb of feudalism. 

The destruction of primitive communism was not possible until new means of 
production made private property possible. Just because we want something to 
happen does not mean it can and when we invent ideological rationales to 
how something can happen that can't, we run into walls of reality and billions 
of individual wills as the historical moment. In somewhat the same way - with 
important differences, the destruction of capitalist private property as the 
value and commodity form last final form is not possible without new means of 
production that makes capitalist property impossible to maintain. This means 
that the value and commodity form themselves has to be rendered increasingly 
inoperable by a radical change in the composition of capital, that destroys the 
industrial form of the labor process or push value increasing in the direction 
of zero. Not simply a quantitative expansion of industrial cooperation but 
the destruction of industrial cooperation in favor of a qualitatively different 
and higher interactive process of production. 

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