----- Original Message ----- From: "A. Mani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <marxism-thaxis@lists.econ.utah.edu>
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 1:06
Subject: [Marxism-Thaxis] Re: 7. Re: Re: Marxism-Thaxis Digest, Vol 23,Issue 25 (Victor)

  7. Re: Re: Marxism-Thaxis Digest, Vol 23, Issue 25 (Victor)

How is it wrong? Note, I do not advocate that much can be gained from deep
research into the logical forms, categories, inherent to the individual
human brain, i.e. abstract, qua formal, logic. This is, indeed, the view
of neo-positivist symbol crunchers like the Laird Russel and others of his
ilk. This view, like the idea that the brain is the locus and condition for
reasoning, is essentially a psychologistic one, completely oblivious to the
social origins of human practice and of the significance of communication
for the acquisition, perpetuation and development of human practice.

Now this 'much' in your language is to mean 'everything'. Brain research has
progressed much.  So have formal theories of cognition, knowledge and logic.
These never try to 'capture' meaning as it is but the structure of
information. Assigning meaning is none of the business of formal logic, but
it can say something about what is admissible. There is no native language
inside the brain too.  What you are saying is that neopositivist's cannot
distinguish between information and knowledge... and when they try to say
they can, they contradict themselves.  But it is rare to find anybody in
psychology who would take 'context independence of brains' seriously.

A. Mani
Member, Cal. Math. Soc

RE the brain:
Indeed, our knowledge of the brain has advanced considerably, however this has in itself very little to do with the determination of the historical-cultural contents of human brains. True the fact that the structure and growth patterns of the human brain restricts the assimilation of certain kinds of information while permitting others does serve as a condition for subjective sensuality, however these limitations have been and are compensated for by the socially mediated invention and development of instruments for transmuting inputs for which we men have no organs to sense into sensable representative forms; hunting dogs, telescopes and starlite scopes.

RE the distinction between information and knowledge:
What I've been and am writing is that the Neopositivist's distinction between knowledge and information is exactly the problem of Neo-positivism. The necessary unity of essence (meaning) and form (structure) of information is exactly the basis of Hegel's, Marx's, and Lenin's rejection of NeoKantianism (and Neo-Positivism). Objective Idealism and Marxism share the view that information (meaningful communication) represents a real record of real activity in the real world, and that essence (meaning) is an absolute necessity for even the most abstract categories of thinking. This view is in direct opposition to the NeoKantianist and Neo-positivist concept that knowledge, i.e. substantial information about the world) is absolutely distinct from information the logical infrastructure of thought, the meaningless, empty categories of cogitation that reflect somehow the organic formations responsible for thought.

RE: the utility of formal theories of cognition, knowledge and logic:
In essence formal theories of cognition, knowledge and logic are rules for reasoning and in this role they do well as specially tailored machine language. They are, however, not very successful as models for natural language and much less so for concrete interaction, social or organic*. The reasons for this are the complexity of complementary, mutual adaptation of complexly concrete interacting entities which characterizes both organic and social systems (i.e. the rules and their functions are always in a process of change in accordance to the substantial conditions of the interaction). Efforts to model these interactions with rules that do not represent substantial conditions of their formation and employment are doomed to inadequacies. After all, when a machine system no longer adapts to new conditions, a systems designer and programmers are called in to make, organize and punch in new rules. When even the simplest learning organism encounters new conditions it changes the rules of its interaction with the world or suffers. When human beings, complex organisms living in complex environments, mostly built and perpetuated by communal collaboration, encounter new conditions either as individuals or as groups, the multiplexities of rules and the rules that link these rules etc. etc. are almost entirely social and the changes are virtually impossible to model by simple logical algorithms.

Check out the silly malapropisms produced by google's automatic translations of German and French. It is sometime serendipitously informative, such as when I learned that Wallenstein (the Austrian Commander during the 30 years war) means "boiling stone".

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