Over on Marxmail, Shane Mage suggested that a probably decisive aspect
for CBS was that Don Imus's remarks exposed the network to possible
litigation.  You simply cannot call people whores on the public
airwaves and not expect to be sued for libel. If litigation should
occur, CBS and Imus can expect to be paying out millions of dollars in
damages. That and the prospect of organized boycotts of network
sponsors, I think, made this a rather easy business decision for the
powers that be at CBS and MSNBC.

Jim F.
-- Ralph Dumain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This story has been approached from a number of different angles. While 
Ehrenreich's approach is a legitimate one, there is a slightly different 
conclusion to be drawn from her argument. I don't buy the reappropriation 
of language line.  It's probably true that a lot of stupid white people 
have borrowed a slang they don't really understand.  (I see young white 
boys in the subway chanting "I'm a  n***a" while listening to rappers on 
their ipods.) That was my initial impression of Imus' remarks.  But if
were in fact back-handed compliments, they were still insulting, and would 
have been insulting no matter who uttered them.  If Imus wanted to lust 
over black girls, which he certainly has the right to do, better he should 
have gotten himself in trouble by making a rather different set of remarks 
than picking up on a demeaning stereotype to do so.  One can certainly
over classy young ladies as I did at the Kennedy Center while all this was 
going on. There's an issue of respect. The problem, however, is not merely 
in the imitation, but in the original.  This whole language, which nobody 
will ever convince me means anything but low self-esteem, needs to be 

If this were a one-off, I'd say fugeddaboudit. But apparently this fellow 
has a track record, so good riddance.  But the hypocrisy of the media and 
all of the players involved ought to be highlighted, including the
interdependency of all the politicians and media people mixed up in this.

At 01:24 PM 4/16/2007 -0400, Charles Brown wrote:
>This article can be found on the web at
>Nappy-headed Hos of the World Unite!
>[posted online on April 13, 2007]

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