
>>The Philippines braced yesterday for a fallout of the arrest of Jose
Maria Sison, a top communist leader as his colleagues vowed to
intensify their 39-year-old insurgency.

The National Democratic Front, the Marxist umbrella, condemned the
arrest and raids on Sison's office and at least seven other addresses
in Utrecht and the nearby town of Abcoude.

"Contrary to the claims of Mrs Arroyo, the arrest of Prof Sison and
the raids conducted are bound to terminate the ongoing peace
negotiations," said NDF official Fidel V. Agcaoili, who called the
allegations against Sison "trumped-up charges".>>


>>Sison has denied any operational role with the rebels since leaving
the Philippines in 1986, and calls himself a political consultant for
NDF, which has been involved in peace negotiations for many years with

The talks have stalled since 2004 and the rebels have continued to
carry out attacks, mostly on security forces and infrastructure.

Sison has fought a legal battle to stay in the Netherlands as a
refugee, saying he faced assassination if he were to return to the

The Dutch government has repeatedly rejected all his requests for
asylum but has never moved to expel him.

The European Union added Sison and the New People's Army to its list
of "terrorists" in October 2002. >>


The Philippine government, with full US backing, is going all out
gangbusters against both the Communist Resistance and the Islamist
Resistances. See also below:

Arroyo tells military: Finish off insurgency, terror before 2010


>>PRESIDENT Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has ordered the Armed Forces of
the Philippines (AFP) to end armed rebellion, Muslim secessionism, and
terrorism by the end of her term in 2010.

Arroyo said the AFP must be upgraded towards the acquisition of what
it needs to win the war in the three fronts. She said this is where
the P5 billion AFP modernization fund in next year's budget should go.

She said government must stop the "ideological nonsense and criminal
acts" of communist rebels once and for all. Arroyo said although the
New People's Army (NPA) has been considered as "low-level threat" over
the years, they have been impeding progress in rural areas and have
been responsible for human rights abuses.

"It is either get rid of them now or get rid of them later, whatever
happens they must be stopped," she said.

Arroyo ordered the military to end the communist insurgency before she
steps down from office.>>

excerpt of interview
Interview with NDFP Chief Political Consultant Prof. JOSE MARIA SISON,
on the Philippine situation and prospects

Editor, Liberation International, 26 August 2007

Gloria M. Arroyo speaks of using her remaining years in the
presidential palace to leave an unforgettable legacy. In your view,
what is going to be her legacy?

Prof. Jose Maria Sison (JMS): Her legacy is one of puppetry to US
imperialism, aggravated underdevelopment, corruption, bankruptcy,
electoral fraud and gross and systematic human rights violations with

Has Arroyo not achieved a relatively high economic growth rate? Has
she not solved the financial crisis? Is she not laying the groundwork
for the Philippines to become a first world country?

JMS: The Arroyo regime has conjured the illusion of economic growth by
engaging in unbridled foreign and local borrowing and by attracting
speculative portfolio investments. It has not at all solved the
financial crisis but has aggravated it by increasing the debt and tax
burden in a stagnant economy that is driven by overconsumption of
imports, worst of which are the luxuries of the exploiting classes.

The Arroyo regime has subserviently followed the US-dictated policy of
"free market" globalization, rejected national industrialization and
land reform and has thus aggravated the underdevelopment of the
Philippine economy.

The Philippine economy has become more dependent on raw-material
exports, on low value-added reexports and the export of live human
beings as cheap labor. It is always afflicted by a rising level of
trade deficit and government deficit spending for debt service, the
military and other counterproductive purposes.

Without national industrialization and land reform, it is impossible
for the Philippines to become a "first world country". Arroyo insults
the intelligence of the people by uttering the silly lie that she is
making the Philippines become a "first world" country through
mega-infrastructure projects and call centers.>>

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