>  CB: Actually , if you read his _Dreams from my Father_, he's a left,
>  political activist in background and training, seemingly posing as a
>  centrist Democrat.
>  Also, his mother married an Indonesian as her second husband, and O was
>  in Indonesia in the immediate aftermath of the slaughter of Communists
>  there.

Oh what nonsense. I hope you were trying to get laughs CB.

The Dem. Senator is a Dem. Senator. If he ever posed as anything in
his life, it was as somewhat left political activist (and does anyone
ever note just how American that status of 'activist' is--and have
they ever looked at how phony most are?).

As president, if he even attempts to move left of his right-of-center
stance on most things, the national security state will give him a
national security crisis and put an end to that. He'll be singing bomb
bomb, bomb bomb Iran with a lampshade over his head with Sec. of State
John McCain. Hey, Obama wants to reach across the aisles, right?


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