
b. The Postmodern Condition

Lyotard soon abandoned the term 'paganism' in favour of
'postmodernism.' He presents his initial and highly influential
formulation of postmodernism in The Postmodern Condition: A Report on
Knowledge, commissioned by the government of Quebec and published in

Lyotard famously defines the postmodern as 'incredulity towards
metanarratives,' where metanarratives are understood as totalising
stories about history and the goals of the human race that ground and
legitimise knowledges and cultural practises. The two metanarratives
that Lyotard sees as having been most important in the past are (1)
history as progressing towards social enlightenment and emancipation,
and (2) knowledge as progressing towards totalisation.

Modernity is defined as the age of metanarrative legitimation, and
postmodernity as the age in which metanarratives have become bankrupt.
Through his theory of the end of metanarratives, Lyotard develops his
own version of what tends to be a consensus among theorists of the
postmodern - postmodernity as an age of fragmentation and pluralism.

The Postmodern Condition is a study of the status of knowledge in
computerized societies. It is Lyotard's view that certain technical
and technological advancements have taken place since the Second World
War (his historical pin-pointing of the beginning of postmodernity)
which have had and are still having a radical effect on the status of
knowledge in the world's most advanced countries.

As a defining element with which to characterise these technical and
technological advancements, Lyotard chooses computerization. Lyotard
identifies the problem with which he is dealing - the variable in the
status of knowledge - as one of legitimation. For Lyotard, this is a
question of both knowledge and power. Knowledge and power are simply
two sides of the same question: who decides what knowledge is, and who
knows what needs to be decided? According to Lyotard, in the computer
age the question of knowledge is now more than ever a question of

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