O's mother

A Free-Spirited Wanderer Who Set Obama’s Path 

In the capsule version of the Barack Obama story, his mother is simply the 
white woman from Kansas. The phrase comes coupled alliteratively to its 
counterpart, the black father from Kenya. On the campaign trail, he has called 
her his “single mom.” But neither description begins to capture the 
unconventional life of Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro, the parent who most shaped 
Mr. Obama.

Kansas was merely a way station in her childhood, wheeling westward in the 
slipstream of her furniture-salesman father. In Hawaii, she married an African 
student at age 18. Then she married an Indonesian, moved to Jakarta, became an 
anthropologist, wrote an 800-page dissertation on peasant blacksmithing in 
Java, worked for the Ford Foundation, championed women’s work and helped bring 
microcredit to the world’s poor.

She had high expectations for her children. In Indonesia, she would wake her 
son at 4 a.m. for correspondence courses in English before school; she brought 
home recordings of Mahalia Jackson, speeches by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King 
Jr. And when Mr. Obama asked to stay in Hawaii for high school rather than 
return to Asia, she accepted living apart — a decision her daughter says was 
one of the hardest in Ms. Soetoro’s life.

“She felt that somehow, wandering through uncharted territory, we might stumble 
upon something that will, in an instant, seem to represent who we are at the 
core,” said Maya Soetoro-Ng, Mr. Obama’s half-sister. “That was very much her 
philosophy of life — to not be limited by fear or narrow definitions, to not 
build walls around ourselves and to do our best to find kinship and beauty in 
unexpected places.”

Ms. Soetoro, who died of ovarian cancer in 1995, was the parent who raised Mr. 
Obama, the Illinois senator running for the Democratic presidential nomination. 
He barely saw his father after the age of 2. Though it is impossible to 
pinpoint the imprint of a parent on the life of a grown child, people who knew 
Ms. Soetoro well say they see her influence unmistakably in Mr. Obama.

They were close, her friends and his half-sister say, though they spent much of 
their lives with oceans or continents between them. He would not be where he is 
today, he has said, had it not been for her. Yet he has also made some 
different choices — marrying into a tightly knit African-American family rooted 
in the South Side of Chicago, becoming a churchgoing Christian, publicly 
recounting his search for his identity as a black man.

Some of what he has said about his mother seems tinged with a mix of love and 
regret. He has said his biggest mistake was not being at her bedside when she 
died. And when The Associated Press asked the candidates about “prized 
keepsakes” — others mentioned signed baseballs, a pocket watch, a “trophy wife” 
— Mr. Obama said his was a photograph of the cliffs of the South Shore of Oahu 
in Hawaii where his mother’s ashes were scattered.

“I think sometimes that had I known she would not survive her illness, I might 
have written a different book — less a meditation on the absent parent, more a 
celebration of the one who was the single constant in my life,” he wrote in the 
preface to his memoir, “Dreams From My Father.” He added, “I know that she was 
the kindest, most generous spirit I have ever known, and that what is best in 
me I owe to her.”

In a campaign in which Senator John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, 
has made liberal use of his globe-trotting 96-year-old mother to answer 
suspicions that he might be an antique at 71, Mr. Obama, who declined to be 
interviewed for this article, invokes his mother’s memory sparingly. In one 
television advertisement, she appears fleetingly — porcelain-skinned, 
raven-haired and holding her toddler son. “My mother died of cancer at 53,” he 
says in the ad, which focuses on health care. “In those last painful months, 
she was more worried about paying her medical bills than getting well.”

‘A Very, Very Big Thinker’

He has described her as a teenage mother, a single mother, a mother who worked, 
went to school and raised children at the same time. He has credited her with 
giving him a great education and confidence in his ability to do the right 
thing. But, in interviews, friends and colleagues of Ms. Soetoro shed light on 
a side of her that is less well known.

“She was a very, very big thinker,” said Nancy Barry, a former president of 
Women’s World Banking, an international network of microfinance providers, 
where Ms. Soetoro worked in New York City in the early 1990s. “I think she was 
not at all personally ambitious, I think she cared about the core issues, and I 
think she was not afraid to speak truth to power.”

Her parents were from Kansas — her mother from Augusta, her father from El 
Dorado, a place Mr. Obama first visited in a campaign stop in January. Stanley 
Ann (her father wanted a boy so he gave her his name) was born on an Army base 
during World War II. The family moved to California, Kansas, Texas and 
Washington in restless pursuit of opportunity before landing in Honolulu in 

In a Russian class at the University of Hawaii, she met the college’s first 
African student, Barack Obama. They married and had a son in August 1961, in an 
era when interracial marriage was rare in the United States. Her parents were 
upset, Senator Obama learned years later from his mother, but they adapted. “I 
am a little dubious of the things that people from foreign countries tell me,” 
the senator’s grandmother told an interviewer several years ago.

The marriage was brief. In 1963, Mr. Obama left for Harvard, leaving his wife 
and child. She then married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian student. When he was 
summoned home in 1966 after the turmoil surrounding the rise of Suharto, Ms. 
Soetoro and Barack followed.

Those choices were not entirely surprising, said several high school friends of 
Ms. Soetoro, whom they remembered as unusually intelligent, curious and open. 
She never dated “the crew-cut white boys,” said one friend, Susan Blake: “She 
had a world view, even as a young girl. It was embracing the different, rather 
than that ethnocentric thing of shunning the different. That was where her mind 
took her.”

Her second marriage faded, too, in the 1970s. Ms. Soetoro wanted to work, one 
friend said, and Mr. Soetoro wanted more children. He became more American, she 
once said, as she became more Javanese. “There’s a Javanese belief that if 
you’re married to someone and it doesn’t work, it will make you sick,” said 
Alice G. Dewey, an anthropologist and friend. “It’s just stupid to stay 

That both unions ended is beside the point, some friends suggested. Ms. Soetoro 
remained loyal to both husbands and encouraged her children to feel connected 
to their fathers. (In reading drafts of her son’s memoir, Mr. Obama has said, 
she did not comment upon his depiction of her but was “quick to explain or 
defend the less flattering aspects of my father’s character.”)

“She always felt that marriage as an institution was not particularly essential 
or important,” said Nina Nayar, who later became a close friend of Ms. Soetoro. 
What mattered to her, Ms. Nayar said, was to have loved deeply.

By 1974, Ms. Soetoro was back in Honolulu, a graduate student and raising 
Barack and Maya, nine years younger. Barack was on scholarship at a prestigious 
prep school, Punahou. When Ms. Soetoro decided to return to Indonesia three 
years later for her field work, Barack chose not to go.

“I doubted what Indonesia now had to offer and wearied of being new all over 
again,” he wrote in his memoir. “More than that, I’d arrived at an unspoken 
pact with my grandparents: I could live with them and they’d leave me alone so 
long as I kept my trouble out of sight.” During those years, he was “engaged in 
a fitful interior struggle. I was trying to raise myself to be a black man in 
America.” Ms. Soetoro-Ng recalled her mother’s quandary. “She wanted him to be 
with her,” Ms. Soetoro-Ng said. But she added: “Although it was painful to be 
separated from him for his last four years of high school, she recognized that 
it was perhaps the best thing for him. And she had to go to Indonesia at that 

That time apart was hard for both mother and son.

“She longed for him,” said Georgia McCauley, who became a friend of Ms. Soetoro 
in Jakarta. Barack spent summers and Christmas vacations with his mother; they 
communicated by letters, his illustrated with cartoons. Her first topic of 
conversation was always her son, her female friends said. As for him, he was 
grappling with questions of racial identity, alienation and belonging.

“There were certainly times in his life in those four years when he could have 
used her presence on a more daily basis,” Ms. Soetoro-Ng said. “But I think he 
did all right for himself.”

Fluent in Indonesian, Ms. Soetoro moved with Maya first to Yogyakarta, the 
center of Javanese handicrafts. A weaver in college, she was fascinated with 
what Ms. Soetoro-Ng calls “life’s gorgeous minutiae.” That interest inspired 
her study of village industries, which became the basis of her 1992 doctoral 

“She loved living in Java,” said Dr. Dewey, who recalled accompanying Ms. 
Soetoro to a metalworking village. “People said: ‘Hi! How are you?’ She said: 
‘How’s your wife? Did your daughter have the baby?’ They were friends. Then 
she’d whip out her notebook and she’d say: ‘How many of you have electricity? 
Are you having trouble getting iron?’ ” 

She became a consultant for the United States Agency for International 
Development on setting up a village credit program, then a Ford Foundation 
program officer in Jakarta specializing in women’s work. Later, she was a 
consultant in Pakistan, then joined Indonesia’s oldest bank to work on what is 
described as the world’s largest sustainable microfinance program, creating 
services like credit and savings for the poor.

Visitors flowed constantly through her Ford Foundation office in downtown 
Jakarta and through her house in a neighborhood to the south, where papaya and 
banana trees grew in the front yard and Javanese dishes like opor ayam were 
served for dinner. Her guests were leaders in the Indonesian human rights 
movement, people from women’s organizations, representatives of community 
groups doing grass-roots development.

“I didn’t know a lot of them and would often ask after, ‘Who was that?’ ” said 
David S. McCauley, now an environmental economist at the Asian Development Bank 
in Manila, who had the office next door. “You’d find out it was the head of 
some big organization in with thousands of members from central Java or 
someplace, somebody that she had met some time ago, and they would make a point 
of coming to see her when they came to Jakarta.”

An Exacting Idealist

As a mother, Ms. Soetoro was both idealistic and exacting. Friends describe her 
as variously informal and intense, humorous and hardheaded. She preached to her 
young son the importance of honesty, straight talk, independent judgment. When 
he balked at her early-morning home schooling, she retorted, “This is no picnic 
for me either, buster.”

When Barack was in high school, she confronted him about his seeming lack of 
ambition, Mr. Obama wrote. He could get into any college in the country, she 
told him, with just a little effort. (“Remember what that’s like? Effort?”) He 
says he looked at her, so earnest and sure of his destiny: “I suddenly felt 
like puncturing that certainty of hers, letting her know that her experiment 
with me had failed.”

Ms. Soetoro-Ng, who herself became an anthropologist, remembers conversations 
with her mother about philosophy or politics, books, esoteric Indonesian 
woodworking motifs. One Christmas in Indonesia, Ms. Soetoro found a scrawny 
tree and decorated it with red and green chili peppers and popcorn balls.

“She gave us a very broad understanding of the world,” her daughter said. “She 
hated bigotry. She was very determined to be remembered for a life of service 
and thought that service was really the true measure of a life.” Many of her 
friends see her legacy in Mr. Obama — in his self-assurance and drive, his 
boundary bridging, even his apparent comfort with strong women. Some say she 
changed them, too.

“I feel she taught me how to live,” said Ms. Nayar, who was in her 20s when she 
met Ms. Soetoro at Women’s World Banking. “She was not particularly concerned 
about what society would say about working women, single women, women marrying 
outside their culture, women who were fearless and who dreamed big.”

The Final Months

After her diagnosis, Ms. Soetoro spent the last months of her life in Hawaii, 
near her mother. (Her father had died.) Mr. Obama has recalled talking with her 
in her hospital bed about her fears of ending up broke. She was not ready to 
die, he has said. Even so, she helped him and Maya “push on with our lives, 
despite our dread, our denials, our sudden constrictions of the heart.”

She died in November 1995, as Mr. Obama was starting his first campaign for 
public office. After a memorial service at the University of Hawaii, one friend 
said, a small group of friends drove to the South Shore in Oahu. With the wind 
whipping the waves onto the rocks, Mr. Obama and Ms. Soetoro-Ng placed their 
mother’s ashes in the Pacific, sending them off in the direction of Indonesia.

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