The Men of 1848 

The first half of the nineteenth century witnessed the arrival on American 
shores of a vast number of German immigrants, who gained a most significant 
place in American history: "the Men of 1848."

Their peculiar name needs explanation. As is commonly known, all political 
conditions of central Europe had at the beginning of the nineteenth century 
been overthrown by Napoleon Buonaparte, that great adventurer, who aimed at the 
erection of a Caesarean Empire, the like of which the world had not seen 
before. This dream was defeated in the great battle at Leipzig by the 
inhabitants of the kingdoms and principalities of Germany and those of Austria. 
Having taken such a heroic part in this gigantic struggle for liberation, the 
people had hoped for the establishment of constitutional governments, in which 
they might have part. But this justified expectation was sadly deceived. The 
rulers, forgetful that the people had saved their thrones, denied it such 
right, and opened instead a long period of reaction, which manifested its 
triumph in dark acts of oppression and tyranny. Dissatisfied by the ingratitude 
of the sovereigns, many patriots, detesting violence, turned their backs on the 
land of their birth, hoping to find in America new fields for their abilities. 
Others, unwilling to submit to the petty tyranny of the rulers, -resolved to 
resist and became leaders in a bitter struggle for liberty, which, dragging 
along for many years, culminated in the revolutionary outbreaks of the year 
1848. The symbols of that sanguinary year were chosen and denote all those 
Germans and Austrians, who took part in the long struggle, though their 
participation dated back to earlier years. Among those men were thousands who 
had reached the highest pinnacle of intellectual development, men with ideal 
inspirations, who became in America successful promoters of the ethical, moral 
and material welfare of the people, and gained also widespread influence in the 
direction of affairs in our federation of States.

Among the earlier arrivals, who came between 1820 to 1848, were Karl Follen, 
Karl Beck, Franz Lieber, Joseph Grund, Johann August Roebling, Georg 
Seidensticker and Max Oertel , every one an apostle of science, art and home 

Among the men, who came in 1848 and the years following, were Karl Schurz, 
Franz Sigel, Peter Osterhaus, Friedrich Hecker, Gustav Körner, Gustav von 
Struve, Karl Heinzen, Hans Kudlich, August Willich, Konrad Krez, Max Weber, 
Karl Eberhard Salomo, Julius Stahel, Max Weber, Hermann Raster, Johann Bernhard 
Stallo, Friedrich Kapp, Lorenz Brentano, Friedrich Hassaureck, Oswald 
Ottendorfer, Caspar Butz, Theodor Kirchhoff, Karl Douai and many thousand 
others. In all, Germany lost during the so-called "Reaktionszeit" more than one 
and a half million of her best citizens.

Germany's loss meant for the United States an invaluable gain, as so many 
hundred thousands of highly cultured men and women came into this country. 
While the former German immigration had consisted essentially of farmers, 
workmen and traders, now scholars and students of every branch of science, 
artists, writers, journalists, lawyers, ministers, teachers and foresters came 
in numbers. The enormous amount of knowledge, idealism and activity, embodied 
in these political exiles, made them the most valuable immigrants America ever 
received. As they accepted positions as teachers and professors at the schools 
and universities, or filled public offices, or founded all sorts of newspapers 
and periodicals, learned societies and social clubs, these men inspired the 
hitherto dull social life of America, that it gained a much freer and more 
progressive character.

By their able leadership the older German element in the United States improved 
also greatly. Formerly without close connection and compared with an army of 
able soldiers but without officers, it now began to form under the leadership 
of the men of 1848 a community, whose prime efforts were directed toward the 
welfare of their adopted country and to keep unsullied the fountains of liberty 
and the rights of men. That among the exiles of 1848 were characters of the 
same calibre as Franklin and Washington. 

Source: Rudolf Cronau's German Achievements in Amerika

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