On Oct 3, 2008, at 6:57 AM, Ralph Dumain wrote:
> It is a given that any high-level candidate, certainly a presidential
> candidate, is a bourgeois politician.  That the left would even
> debate whether to argue against a candidate because he represents
> bourgeois interests is silly. That is a given.  But within the
> framework allowed by bourgeois politics, one can be better or
> worse.
and Waistline:
>> I will probably vote for Senator Obama for President,  knowing  
>> clearly that
>> he is a bourgeois politician.
>> There is in my opinion a real - material, difference between the  
>> Republican
>> and Democratic Party at their base of support...

Nobody intelligent  is suggesting voting against a candidate because  
he's labeled
"bourgeois."  The issue at stake is the  "One party with two right  
wings"(Gore Vidal)
capitalist duopoly.  Both parties have the same base of support--the  
giant corporations.
Their union sacrée for the bailout swindle, the Afghanistan and Iraq  
Wars, nuclear power, the
embargo against Cuba, the war threat against Iran, The Zionist  
colonizers, "clean" coal, etc., etc.  Not
even mentioning the biggest issue of all--the brobdinagian fascist  
trillion-dollar "national security"
expenditures on military-police-surveillance-spying-covert action etc.

The one purpose of political activity today must be to mobilize as big  
as possible a citizens' movement
against the corporate power elite. Continuing through and after the  

That is what Nader/Gonzalez is about.  Left sectarians may yap about  
their own perfect candidates.
Left opportunists may yap about the lesser evil (embacing thus the  
"evil of two lessers").  The dogs
bark, the caravan passes. The intelligent left, what there is of it,  
recognizes that in this election the
only ticket with any potential for a meaningful vote is Nader/Gonzalez.

Shane Mage
"It's better to vote for what you want and not get it than to vote for  
what you don't want--and get it."
(Gene Debs)

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