In a message dated 1/6/2009 2:21:58 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

>>An industrial capital  formation as a historically  distinct sector of 
no longer exist. I am not  aware of one  single economist of note that speaks
of an industrial sector of   capital. Not one. The existence of Chrysler, Ford
or GM does not mean a  sector  of capital called industrial capital exists.
Industrial capital  without  industrial capitalists cannot exists. <<

Whoah, wait  a minute. Are you trying to argue against Lenin or Marx here?
I think Lenin  does contribute to Marxism in many ways (pay me and I'll
write a book about  it), and I think much of what Lenin wrote about has
relevance to  understanding the historic formations that reach into
this post-modern  episteme. I'm not sure what a serious economist is
nowadays and think for the  most part I couldn't give a shit.


The issue was never Lenin's contribution to the treasure house of  Marx.
Economic forms and their corresponding political form was being  discussed. 
Marx describes the details of the genesis of the industrial capitalist. The  
industrial capitalist is called "industrial" because he personifies a stage of 
 development of the productive forces. Manufacturing capital correspond with 
a  period of "man" - hand, production as a primary mode. Usury capital 
conjures a  vision of non-connection with production, money lending. Merchant 
 conjures a vision of capital from the purchase and sell of things.  
Marx tended to wed a historically specific form of capital to a stage or  
phase of development of the productive forces, but this is not unique to Marx.  
People once named themselves after instruments of production like "Smith." Is  
not the governor of California last name translated as Arnold Blacksmith?  

Speculative as in "speculative capital" conjures a vision. 
For a solid decade economist and non-economist alike have discussed the new  
financial products and all of them without exception, agree that these 
products  are intangibles and complex math formulas. Today these math formulas 
tied to  debt one way or another. Capital as an imaginary - notional, value is  
impossible but there it is. Capital without value. Capital without value means 
 no labor component because capital is a social relations of production.  
Production of commodities. 
We have finally hit the historical wall. 
The thing fundamental to understanding real world finance capital today is  
to identify what sector is writing the political agenda as an expression of  
their domination over the total capital. 
In respects of President elect Obama, he will gyrate in his policies  between 
productive capital and speculative capital and not an "industrial  capital" 
and finance capital. Today, financing infrastructure development or  auto 
production for that matter - putting people to work, is not an act and  
of industrial capital, but the productive capital of the  financier. The 
industrial as a class died for Christ sake.  
Produced the data to confirm the existence of an industrial sector of  
capital in 2009. (Not you!) 
Where are the industrialists in America today? Out of a population of 300  
million, surely one must still exists, having survived in the cracks - giant  
cracks, of finance.  
One cannot be said to be inconsistent with Marx by identifying and naming a  
sector of capital by its connection or non-connection to a state of 
development  of the productive forces and how it strives to realize an expanded 
Hence,  speculative capital and its domination over the total capital. Finance 
capital  has a non-productive sector. The industrial capital formation was 
eaten up  Pac-man style by finance capital. 
Dude, its all finance capital. 

Lenin most certainly contributed to the treasure house of Marxism and his  
contribution won the honor of an "ism," Leninism. Leninism is a political  
doctrine of combat. On the other hand Marx name is associated with an economic  
doctrine as well as a political doctrine. Leninism is not an economic doctrine  
because Lenin did not pioneer a new way of looking at economy. Nor did  Lenin 
pioneer a new method of approach to the study of society. Lenin was a  Marxist. 
The ideas that nothing has changed since Lenin is just intellectual  laziness 
and a refusal to admit that things change at best and dogmatism at  worse. 
GMAC not GM is the master of GM. GMAC is GM. 
Dude, its all finance capital.
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