In this quote, Marx is not talking 
about revolutionary transformation 
necessarily, but rather about the 
regular crises within
capitalism still.

Such crises may be involved in a 
revolutionary transformation as
 a sort of trigger, but Marx is not
claiming that underconsumption is the ultimate
cause of revolution.

Of course, poverty does contribute to
revolution, but that's not the point
 in this particular quote.

>>> <> 01/20/2009 4:45 PM >>>
In a message dated 1/20/2009 11:02:19 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, (   
"The ultimate reason for all real crises always remains the poverty and  
restricted consumption of the masses as opposed to the drive of captialist  
production to develop the productive forces as though only the absolute   
power of society constituted their outer limit " 
(Capital  vol.  III, Moscow, 1959, pp. 
472-73) ; quoted in The Development of  Capitalism in  Russia. 
WL Capital can never employed all the proletarians, all the time or (ALL OF  
THE PROLETARIAN) most of  the time, and this is a built in restriction on  
consumption, even during period of expanding consumption. This mass of  
non-producing consumers allows the capitalist to set wages. (Non-producing  
classes is 
what Marx calls it is the top portion of the material quoted above). 
Sorry, but the first sentence needed correction. 
Why can the capitalists (bourgeois property) NOT  employ all the  
proletarians all of the time or all of the proletarian most of the time? The  
cannot be because of the restricted consumption of the masses. What  brings our 
society to revolution (the ultimate crisis of all crisis) is not the  
consumption of the masses, but rather bourgeois private property, or  rather 
revolution in the mode of production, beginning with a revolution in the  
productive forces of society. 
New classes are formed by the introduction of new productive equipment,  that 
compels society to reorganize itself around the expanding new means of  
production. The productive forces come into conflict with the existing social  
relations of production, then a period of revolution unfolds. Here is the  
ultimate source of all crisis, in all societies founded on the private property 
Stated another way, crisis of overproduction or the crisis embodied in the  
falling rate of production as a tendency of capitalist production are simply 
the  face - an expression of something else. That something else is the meaning 
of  bourgeois private property. All crisis have as their ultimate source 
property;  private ownership of the means of production, not the restricted 
consumption of  the masses. This statement runs counter to the quote above. 
Anyone familiar with Marx knows that his outline of the science of society  
states in no uncertain terms that revolution is always the result of change -  
qualitative changes, in the means of production. However, one cannot explain 
any  crisis on the basic "changes in the means of production." 
One has to study the peculiar crisis one is addressing. 
The ultimate cause of crisis is not the restricted consumption of the  
masses. Is this statement proof of anti-communism and anti-Marxism? 
Of course not. 
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