>> Racism discriminates against people on the grounds of race. Just  like 
it says on the packet. It can be as arbitrary in its choice of victim as it  
is systemic in its execution. And while it never works alone (but rather in  
cahoots with class, gender and a host of other rogue characters), it has  
political license to operate independently. 
It's a basic lesson at relatively low cost. And yet the arrest of  Harvard
professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. at his home in Cambridge,  Massachusetts,
suggests we are doomed to keep repeating the lesson. Barack  Obama was right
when he referred to the arrest as a "teachable moment," but  given the
brouhaha that has followed, it seems that even a moment involving  the
nation's most prominent black intellectual teaches us nothing.  <<< 

There’s a old saying where I grew up. 
“There’s two kind of creatures that don’t live long in America. Dogs that  
chase cars and niggas fucking with the police.” 
I don’t chase cars or fuck with the police.  Gates damn near got an  “
outdate.” Outdates are widely celebrated in Detroit and areas in America where  
the poorest of America’s proletarians are concentrated in large numbers. 
Outdate  is the date you got out of jail. 
In America its easier to catch a case than a cold. Such is the circumstance 
 of the most destitute and politically oppressed sections of our 
Let’s examine what happened. A prominent professor - “public intellectual,”
  gets arrested and has charges against him dropped. The incident is 
sparked by a  neighbor calling the police. The police - the laws, arrived to 
discover the  individual in question is “breaking into their own home” because 
of a jammed  door or lost keys. The professor produces identity papers 
establishing residency  and a verbal squabble ensues. The professor demands 
numbers from the  police and apparently puts forth his personal ideology 
concerning the nature of  policing in America and ends up arrested on a 
flexible charge of battery. 
Let’s make the professor WHITE. 
See where this is going?  
Now this white professor happens to be married to a black women. Did the  
police notice the pictures of the white professor and his black wife sitting 
on  the mantle? What’s actually happening inside the home was not just the 
professor  establishing his residency, but the residency establishing that 
the professor  resided their through pictures of husband, wife and children. 
Testosterone levels rise and the complex body language between individuals  
undergo subtle shift. The professor understands the soundless communication 
of  body language; the shifting of weight that is the agitation before 
attack mode.  The intimidation is palpable. Professor with glasses shifts body 
weight and so  does the police. 
“You guys got what you want get the fuck out of my house.” 
“There’s nothing to look at here.” 
The laws pivot on their feet and lock eyes with professor glasses.   
Professor is 5’7 and the laws are all 6’ and above. 
“Take it easy professor. We’re just doing our job and don’t have to put up 
 with your crap.” 
The laws grin sensing fear in the intellectual eyes of professor. In a  
nervous impulse professor wipes his glasses with his shirt. His heart rate  
increases with a deafening noise. The laws hear this accelerated heart beat and 
 lovin it. 
Professor going to jail. 
The charge: he used a bad word. 
II. One cannot speak of the color factor as American history in a rational  
manner. Insanity cannot be understood or articulated on the basis of 
sanity.  Every social problem cannot be resolved. Some things are dissolved by 
history,  like the peasant question and the fate of the small producer. 
Historical feces  cannot be fixed by politics. White supremacy cannot be 
only dissolved. 
History dissolves as resolution.  
Historical questions and issues are dissolved by human beings fighting for  
resolution. Liberal intellectuals deeply feel that politics and  
intellectual-political fiat and/or class outlook or correct political line, can 
resolve issues. 
Talk about faulty logic. 
Once social - human, phenomenon is set in motion it has to run its course.  
Social phenomenon as systematic class relations and economic systems, are  
subject to human assault and physical reshaping at two junctures; when 
leaping  between a quantitative boundary and/or a qualitative reformulation. 
 something fundamental to a process change, or begins changing, then 
everything  dependent upon that which is fundamental must in turn change. Not 
at one  time, but change must take place. Its that simple. The evolution of 
the color  factor in our history has passed through quantitative and 
qualitative  boundaries. The color factor in history begins with primitive 
accumulation of  capital. Reaches America as Indian slaughter and leaps to a 
juncture with  the invention of Eli Whitney. Class becomes branded and 
crystallized as color. A  slave class.  Color becomes an index. Color is not a 
category of class or  economics.  Color as an index is the framework for 
application of the rules  of the game. 
The game is power politics and class rule. 
The Civil War frees the slaves and a new juncture is reached. Emancipation  
is cool. A mutherfuckers can now make some money and have a girlfriend 
without  the middle man sampling the product. In 1885 nobody knows the next 90 
years  going to be really fucked up. 
Reaction sets in in 1890’s. I guess the American workers did not have a  
class program. There was however, an ass program: “asses and elbows.” The 
slave  class - the branding, becomes the sharecropping class. Some escape to 
the North. 
The Russian Revolution realigned politics planet wide and the color factor  
is placed under the rubric of the national and colonial factor. The shift 
takes  place in 1928 in the Comintern documents on the Negro Question. 1928 
was a big  year. The Comintern forcing the Negro Question documents on the 
American  communist would spilt the communist/socialist movement for the next 
91 years. 
Oh .. . Pardon, this history is usually told from the upside cloaked in  
denial deeper than the mythical Egyptian river of the same name. Let me get  
history right. 1928 unfolds as the year of the great depression and 
industrial  union conflict. A man without a job in heavy industry in the North 
not need  a union. Classes cannot be united. Un-equals can never be united 
without  tremendous pressure that deepens and maintains the inequality. In 
this time  frame the blacks are sharecroppers in the main and the industrial 
proletarians  are white. The grand alliance called workers and peasant is 
rolled out like a  Ali’s carpet. 
Stop it. 
1939 introduces the tractor. 
The sharecropper as a class is liquidated from history. Not all at one  
time. The color factor evolves or rather, a new form of the class struggle  
unfolds inside all classes. . The Civil Rights Movement is underway. Civil  
Rights, Black Power and Black Workers Power. This is not called the class  
struggle by most. It is called the race struggle. Desegregation in its  
fundamentality is achieved. The year is 1987. The signpost is the 1987 UAW  
Contract. Home rule - extra-seniority rights to return to ones department, by  
plants is overthrown.  
Some use other signposts. From Montgomery, Alabama to 1963 Birmingham where 
 the workers engaged the state, to 67 Watts to Detroit and Newark of 
1967/68 to  Tampa Florida 1989. Then Rodney King entered history and the City 
Angels  exploded. 
I’m like, “Ok  . . . This another level.” 
At any rate the 1960s Voting Rights and Fair Housing Legislation is a  
signpost up to the period of the Denny’s Restaurant lawsuit. From a  
caste/class/color question to the class and color factor seems to be the  
The police also evolved during this entire period. 
Y’all remember the mythical story about the hillbilly family feuds between  
with the Jones battling the McCoys, because somebody did not marry someone 
and  said the baby was not mine? The police evolved from flatfoots to armed 
men in  vehicles or the “rolling Jones” then a direct subsidiary of the 
military.  Corporations built private armies and then next thing you have is 
professors  with glasses being handcuffed. 
The bourgeoisie and the police - the laws or state, or what is the same,  “
the rolling Jones,“ understands this process from their unique state of 
being  the state.  
We are not going to resolve the color factor by political fiat. Can’t  
happen no matter how many times one screams internationalism. Capital rest  
exclusively on wage labor in competition for work. - jobs. As one layer of  
workers are crushed down into another the lowest section of the proletariat  
becomes truly multinational. A layer of capitalist becomes truly multinational  
and divorced - suspended in mid air, from productive  capital. 
Antagonism supersedes contradiction. 
See the serf could not overthrow the nobility or the landed property  
relations. New class(es) had to form, birthed in antagonism with the existing  
system. The system is constituted as a primary property/class relations or 
class  contradiction stabilizing the system called feudalism.  New classes  
overthrew political feudalism. The advance of industry shattered, destabilized  
and led to the overthrow of the feudal system. As the overthrow unfolded  
political representatives of labor and capital fought to capture political  
The signpost for our brave new world is the emergence of anti-property as a 
 multinational class of the dispossessed. 
Capital, property and wealth as a property form has to be overthrow to  
dissolve the color factor.  Capital is doing this as much as it can. We’ll  
finish the job. Demographic and economic shift makes such possible today. 
Henry Louis Gates Jr., understand this process as “old school “heir of the 
 Talented Tenth. Go rent the video “Two Nations of Black America” narrated 
by  Gates. The front jacket reads: “Explore the gaping chasm between upper 
and lower  classes of black America with Henry Louis Gates, Jr.” 
President Obama slipped, as his Presidential functioning collided with his  
function as representative of the state. Government and state are not the 
same.  When Obama called the arrest of Gates an act of stupidity, he spoke as 
President  or government official.  When he apologized it was as head of 
state. The  state is an organization of police violence. National security or 
Security  National my man. 
Obama’s slip does not mean he blurted out the unspeakable. Slipped as in  
standing on oil. Oil lubricates the interlocking gears of state and 
government  as these functions are expressed in one man. The state struck back 
swiftly  against government. This reminded me of Stalin’s Russia where state, 
government  and party were combined in one figure. 
“Nigga fuck you,” cried the state. “I’m sorry, lets drink a beer,” roared 
“You and the WHITE professor and black police officer need to chill the  
fuck out and sit down and drink a beer. Let the police do their job.” 
The state gets the last word in.  
See how nothing changed? 

After all, the large spaces in  America set aside for mass incarcerations 
are meant for the white proletarian  population, who would never agree to 
such programs in previous decades unless  they were repeatedly told the purpose 
is to house the blacks. 
See how nothing changed? 
The split between the police and great bulk of the proletarian masses is  
complete. All of society is experiencing the historic rupture. For reasons of 
 history this process ruptures first on the basis of the color factor. 

Gates should not have been arrested. 
First intellectuals are drummed out of jobs - for faulty research, (Ward  
Churchill) and then arrested for disorderly conduct.  
Obama says this is a “teachable moment.” 
Pardon, but I have a headache and not in the mood for another lesson. No  
more “teachable moments” for me, thank you. 
Such moments tend to involve handcuffs, guns, blue uniforms and  
mutherfuckers over 6‘tall wearing those size 13 round toed shoes. 
“A teachable moment.” 
What have we learned? 
A little dude with glasses arrives home from China.  He was probably  
lecturing the Chinese in the intellectual and cultural protocols of being 
capitalists than capitalist and other delicacies of implementing bourgeois  
democracy and freedom of thought. 
“Dare to be Bourgeois.” 
Gate’s teaches cultural heritage shit with all kinds of fancy descriptions  
of the historical significance of the “signifying monkey.”  Dr. Du Bois -  
who went to China, probably had his name tossed about. 
Do you know why the monkey signify? His symbolic gestures betray his  
powerlessness.  The monkey can hurt you but he is after all a monkey. 
The teachable moment. 
Little guy with glasses cannot find his front door keys. He gets into the  
house after neighbor calls police to investigate a back door break in. The 
story  end with little guy in handcuffs. Members of the Communists Party of 
China or is  it still the Chinese Communist Party, see little guy on 
television with  handcuffs on. Then Obama appears protesting little guy’s 
arrest and 
the members  of the CCP says, “maybe things are getting better in America. 
After all the  President spoke up for the black guy.” 
Insanity cannot be explained on the basis of sanity. 
Do the teachable moment ever end and one graduates from this school?   
Remember the movie “Groundhog Day,” where dude keep waking up to the same day? 

America has in fact changed without changing the property relations Let’s  
locate this event in Detroit outside the isolated island neighborhoods of  
You call the police and say, “I believe someone is breaking into the house  
next door. They are trying to push the back door in.” 
You wait for the police to arrive. After three months you stop waiting. The 
 police do not show up over a house break-in in that growing area of 
America that  are its proletarian slums and bums. The police show up in nice 
neighborhoods.  Other than that, the laws ride the large boulevards, regulating 
the legal,  illegal and extra-legal exchange of commodities. 
The same thing happens when the police ask you to pull your car over. That  
is to say, the police don’t just pull over people in Detroit, unless there 
are  10 squad cars and a SWAT team. See, the young boyz have got out of hand 
and 80%  of them have “outdates.” When pulled over, it is understood that 
the strategic  design is to be the last one to die.  
Gates is starting to look like a Sambo intellectual. 
Sambo was the slave that beat Uncle Tom to death in the novel “Uncle Tom’s 
 Cabin.”  This is not to suggest Henry Louis Gates Jr. should have been  
handcuffed or arrested. 
Society moves in class antagonism. 
In the blink of an eye Obama has crystallized the new period.  
Let's drink a beer. 
Miller time. 

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