Clearly, the idea that the world is rational must be forced onto
nature; it cannot be read from it, since nature is not Mind.

CB: This seems an "a priori" statement by Rosa. It is not "clear" that
the idea that the world is rational must be forced onto nature, nor
that to "read" rationality from it, it must be Mind.

For example, Darwin's theory , in contrast to "intelligent design" ,
can be termed "intelligible happenstance".  Nature evolves its life
forms, species originated , in a rational or intelligible manner. This
is not imposing ideas on nature. It is using ideas to represent what
is in objective reality.

Similarly  dialectical and historical historical materialism, rooted
in Marx and Engels' thinking, reflect and intelligible aspect of the
objective reality of human history.


 Nevertheless, it is far easier to rationalise the imposition of a
hierarchical and grossly unequal class system on 'disorderly' workers
if ruling-class ideologues can persuade one and all that the
'law-like' order of the natural world actually reflects, and is
reflected in turn by the social order from which their patrons just so
happen to benefit --, the fundamental aspects of which none may

CB: Of course, Marx and Engels dialectical materialism does the
opposite with respect to rationalising the imposition of hiearchical
and grossly unequal class system on workers.  It helps expose the
exploitative class relations in objective reality , rather than
imposing them on reality.

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