On Aug 20, 2009, at 5:25 PM, waistli...@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 8/20/2009 2:18:33 P.M.  Eastern Daylight Time,
> shm...@pipeline.com writes:
>>> Eugenics means good heredity.  Disgenics means bad heredity.  No
> ideology here. All parents desire healthy, bright, strong,  
> beautiful,  talented
> children, and want those characteristics to be inherited by their
> grandchildren. They seek eugenics. No parent desires sickly, stupid,  
> weak, ugly,  inept
> children.  They fear disgenics.<<
> Comment
> Would it not be proper to state that the above is what eugenics  
> means to
> you, rather than what Eugenics has meant ...

Are you confused by the capitalization-to-start-sentences style rule I  
(unfortunately) adhered to?  eugenics (nonrestrictive noun) is not  
Eugenics (restrictive noun).  The former's meaning is determined by  
the meaning of the words comprising it: *eu* (good) plus *genics*  
(pertaining to heredity): its cognates are such words as "euphoria"  
and "generation."  The latter, as indicated by the upper-case E, has a  
meaning restricted to the definition intended by the speaker, and  
there are indefinitely many such definitions.

eugenics is universal among mammals and birds and most other  
terrestrial animals.  It is the key factor making evolution a  
conscious, not a random process. Darwin called it "sexual selection."

communism is the *beginning* of history because only in a communist  
society because only then will eugenics become a social goal, the  
evolution of our species the object of a *fully* conscious process.

Shane Mage

> This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
> always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
> kindling in measures and going out in measures."
> Herakleitos of Ephesos

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