Yoshie Furuhashi

 Notes on the Japanese Elections of 2009

Decades of increasing poverty, inequality, and insecurity, which
created a powerful backlash against the ruling coalition of the
Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito, finally put an end to Japan's de
facto one-party state.  But the backlash only benefited the social
liberal Democratic Party of Japan, which increased its seats from 115
to 308 (the DPJ block now enjoys 322 seats, more than a two-thirds
majority).  The Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party barely
hanged onto the same numbers of seats that they had before the
elections: 9 for the CP* and 7 for the SDP.  On the face of it, it is
not a debacle for the Left like those suffered by Communists in India
and Italy in the most recent elections.  But, one of the items on the
DPJ agenda is a plan to eliminate 80 proportional representation
seats, and it just so happens that all the Communist representatives
are elected to proportional representation seats.  :-0

If you are interested, look at this video of the 21 Aug 09
pre-election press conference of JCP Chaiman Shii Kazuo (which comes
with English translation):
<http://www.jcp.or.jp/movie/news_mov/20090824/index.html>.  You'll see
that JCP criticisms of the DPJ agenda are to the point more often than
not (which you can see in more detail at
<http://www.jcp.or.jp/seisaku/2009/syuuin/index.html>), but those
criticisms don't amount to a compelling vision of a new socialist
society that the party should be presenting.

The strongest point of the JCP criticism of the DPJ is that the DPJ
will pay for its promise to expand the social safety net, including
the formerly excluded, by increasing the taxes on working-class
incomes, leveling down the existing structures of entitlements such as
pensions toward the new social minimums, decreasing public works and
public-sector jobs, and so on, the trade-off that the DPJ will make
inevitable given its refusal to tax big businesses and capitalists and
to cut military spending.

But, in the process of making this point, the JCP ends up defending
the old, such as tax exemptions for dependent spouses (usually
housewives), which have discouraged many a woman from seeking
full-time jobs since wives earning only part-time incomes (roughly up
to 1,300,000 yen) are counted as dependents for the purpose of
calculating taxes, insurance and pension contributions and benefits,
etc.  What's good for working-class _families_ in material terms can
be bad for working-class _women_ looking to enhance their
gender-bargaining power vis-a-vis men, and the structures of the
Japanese welfare state that tacitly assume male family wages, lifetime
monogamous marriages, female spousal dependency, etc. are textbook
cases of the common class-gender contradiction under capitalism.  This
contradiction intensifies as more and more Japanese women are clearly
losing interest in marriage and childbearing, powerfully demonstrating
their sharp rejection of the old gender settlement and silently
erecting a strong demographic obstacle to the old methods of restoring
economic growth.  The JCP, or any other left-wing current in Japan,
needs to offer women -- and young people in general -- a new socialist
vision that assumes women as individuals, rather than a maternalist
Keynesian vision in which women are tacitly assumed to be, or become,
or have been wives and mothers.

The same goes for the JCP's defense of the Peace Constitution.  On one
hand, any constitutional revision that the DPJ will put on the agenda
will likely to be one that pushes Japan onto the course that Germany
took in the process of the dissolution of Yugoslavia, embarking on
humanitarian imperialist adventures of its own, not just as a
subordinate member of the US-led coalition of the willing.  On the
other hand, there is nothing democratic, let alone socialist, about
defending the constitution that the occupier wrote for Japan, on which
the Japanese people have not been allowed to vote.  Socialists must
present a new democratic vision for Japan.  Why not a constitutional
assembly in Japan, to write a new constitution as a step toward 21st
century socialism?

* The proportion of the total vote for the Communists, however,
registered a slight decline, from 7.25% to 7.03%:


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