I have to say this man and his accomplishments were over-rated. I
think of him as a very good popularizer of history, with a
populist-left stance on most issues. That is about all an adumbrated
schema like 'People's History' could ever do anyway.

One problem wih saying he changed history (in a double-meaning sense)
is that currently we live not in an era of history but an era of
current events. History used to be one of the grand narratives of
bourgeois academia. It's still a subject of bourgeois academia, but
the belief in grand narratives is shattered. However, historical
scholasticism has very little appeal to mass audiences, no matter what
the approach. It's now just a minor part (except for the occasional
best-selling author) of the academic discourse machine gone mad known
as 'American academia (and think tanks).

Some of the best work that was done in the 20th century on the
'underside' to American history wasn't done by historians but by
sociologists and journalists.


CB: I can believe what you say is true.  The US ruling class, whose
ideas are rule the age, inculcate "presentism", political amnesia,
political althsheimer's ( spelling ?) in US masses. Even thinking
"historically" would be a radicalization of the US population.

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