Another factor that is helping to push
Obama and the DP to the right, is the
possibility, if not the likelihood of 
a GOP split, with that party splitting 
between the more traditional
conservatives and right-wing populists 
associated with the tea-partiers. If
the GOP splits, much of the party might
be absorbed into the DP, leaving what
is left of the GOP to the tea party types.
It remains to be seen whether the GOP
fragments, but clearly the hope of it
splitting is helping to propel the
Democrats further to the right, not
that they have needed much help in 
that regard.

Jim Farmelant

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Carrol Cox <>
To: Forum for the discussion of theoretical issues raised by Karl Marxand  the 
thinkers he inspired <>
Subject: Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] *The Professional*
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 11:08:51 -0600

> The Nation
> February 1, 2010 edition
> *The Professional*
> By Eric Foner
> The first year may not be the best way to judge a president. After one year
> in office, Abraham Lincoln still insisted that slavery would not become a
> target of the Union war effort, Franklin D. Roosevelt had yet to address the
> need for social insurance in the wake of the Great Depression and John F.
> Kennedy viewed the civil rights movement as an annoying distraction. If we
> admire them today, it is mostly for what happened during the rest of their
> presidencies.

Well, I'm not among the "we" who admire them today. My admiration is
reserved for the people in the radical movments that _forced_ these men
to reluctantly push forward watered-down versions of what was actually
needed. FDR's sponsoring Social Security is archetypal here. What led hm
to do that?

Well there was the agitation for the Townsend Plan, which would have
been  _real_ retirement program, not the weak imitation that SS is. And
the growing poularity of that plan would have been qutie a spur for
FDR's Social Security. And that was in a larger context, which first
emerged in the Bonus Marchers and the Hoovervilles of the early '30s,
and was represented as well by Long's agitation for sharing the wealth.
and the growth of the CPUSA of course, though it as a factor was
weakened by its popular front subordination to the DP/Dixiecrats.

As long as left liberals continue to support Obama there is not a chance
of his moving "to the left" or supporting, even in a shit-eating way,
left programs. He IS a conservative; he is NOT meely courting
conservative opinion. He supports the Conservative Cause in principle --
he believes in it and will fight for it.


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